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Wednesday 29 May 2013

Sleep Deprivation - A Hidden Cause for Obesity By Paushali Sahu

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Obesity has been the recent popular "epidemic" to cause havoc among the people in recent years, with the zero figure becoming the new In-Thing. The duality of this issue is that on the one hand, the world is getting fatter and fatter with the growing popularity of junk food in the market, and on the other hand fitness standards that are acceptable have grown increasingly rigid in order to sustain the increasingly vulnerable human body. With a lot of research and analysis being put in to understand and counter obesity, many contributing factors have been found:
  • less physical activity
  • high caloric intake
  • genetic interaction with environment
  • cultural influences
  • sleep deprivation
Recent research conducted by various scientific groups, in order to fight obesity has shown that sleep deprivation, to a certain extent, does affect our weight. To understand this, we must look at our history. With electricity and other technology allowing us to expand our day, we sleep almost 27% less daily as our ancestors. This has also been factored with the rise in obesity over the last century, and the resulting prognosis is as follows: Getting less than 6 hours of sleep in a day can increase the likelihood of obesity.
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Studies supporting this statement have demonstrated that 1.1 million people worldwide have recorded an increase in their Body-Mass Index (BMI) when their sleep cycles fell to below 7 hours daily over a period of time. For those who aim to lose weight, this is definitely something to keep in mind.
Studies have shown all kinds of trends, such as when a person's sleep pattern falls below 8 hours, the increase in that person's BMI would be directly proportional to the decrease in the sleep. A test done on 45000 children showed that the lesser the child sleeps, the more he or she is at risk of becoming obese. The explanation has been found in that lack of sleep leads to impaired glucose tolerance, which is a marker of the following:
  • Diabetes and insulin resistance
  • Reduced Leptin - a hormone that usually suppresses appetite
  • Increased Ghrelin - a hormone that increases a person's appetite
Knowing that a good night's sleep is the easiest way to stop gaining weight is a stride forward at shedding it. It proves that simply making lifestyle changes such as a longer sleeping schedule can lead to a better metabolic health free of the risk of obesity.
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Sunday 26 May 2013

4 Tips on Dieting With Diabetes By Richard Lobbenberg

If you have diabetes, you may be finding that, well, it's a lot of work! And if you've been diagnosed with prediabetes, you're going to want to know what the consequences of the full-blown illness are. You'll have to monitor your blood sugar levels, time your meals, maybe take insulin, definitely exercise, and generally be aware of everything that you're doing (and about to do!) at any given time of day. That can add up to a lot of time spent doing things that the average person doesn't need to do. And with diabetes on the rise, you won't be alone for much longer when it comes to needing a plan to get everything done. 
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Here are some important food points to focus on:
1. Cut out the refined. No, I don't mean the refined people - you guys can still be friends. But stay away from those refined carbohydrates (aka 'sugars') that are everywhere, like in white breads, pastas, cereals, rice and even white potatoes. Instead, focus on whole-grains in your breads, etc., and eat starchy foods like potatoes in moderation. The more refined the carbohydrate, the quicker it's broken down, and thus the higher your blood glucose (once again, aka 'sugar') levels will rise, since your cells can use insulin receptors only so well. And with diabetes, that's serious! Whole-grains will also help to make sure that you get enough fiber, and consequently help to reduce your risk of heart disease, which is closely linked to diabetes.
2. Shrink it and spread it. No, this isn't your tummy I'm talking about here! (Although, you do want to try and rid yourself of any abdominal fat that you might have accumulated - it will help lower your risk of heart disease - see the reference to fiber, above). I'm talking about your meals: smaller meals that are consumed throughout the day at more frequent intervals will help keep your blood sugar levels in check. Try to take in the same amount of food that you'd normally eat, say in three meals, and then split it in half and eat six smaller meals instead.
3. Get fat. Good fat, that is! Avoid saturated fats, not because of potential heart issues (that's right, overwhelming evidence shows that sat-fats are not directly linked to ticker trouble), but because these fats are high in calories. Limit your intake of fatty beef, hot dogs, sausage, bacon... you see where I'm going with this. But don't fret - you can still eat that stuff, just do it in moderation! Most of the time, swap these foods for others like avocados and nuts, which have the good fats. And eat fish or take fish oil supplements, as these are your best sources for omega fatty acids.
4. Watch the sugar. That's a no-brainer when it comes to diabetes, but be aware of the fact that there's a lot of sugar in alcohol, and pretty much anything that you drink that isn't water, even when it says it's 'made with real juice'. Read the nutrition labels and look at caloric content as well as the amount of sugar in what you're consuming. And when you crave something sweet, go for things like fruit, nuts, yogurt, ricotta cheese, and other things that don't have sugar added to them. If you really need that piece of cake, try just half a slice, and eat it slowly, savouring every bite. That little trick makes your mind feel like it's getting the whole thing!
If you follow this advice about eating well, and get some exercise, you should be able to lead a relatively normal life. So do the little extra that it takes to manage or prevent this potentially deadly illness, and you'll still live a long, healthy and happy life.
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Signs Of Metabolic Disorder By Kay Nicholas

When the body is unable to efficiently process such foods as fats and sugars a condition occurs that experts call metabolic syndrome. This state is often a precursor of heart disease and type 2 diabetes. And it's interesting to note that just a generation ago type 2 diabetes was rare in young adults under the age of 35. Today one out of four American adults live with metabolic syndrome and its five characteristics:
* a large waist
* high triglycerides
* low HDL cholesterol
* high blood pressure
* higher than normal blood sugar
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Not all five symptoms need be present. Three out of five traits indicate the presence of a metabolic disorder which can also be a sign of insulin resistance. Insulin, a hormone, allows blood sugar to be taken from the blood stream to muscles where it's burned for energy and also into fat where it is stored. Insulin resistance will protect the efficient conversion of food into energy and it does this by desensitizing the walls of one's cells to insulin.
Some believe that a large waist line and high triglyceride levels are the biggest contributors to the onset of a metabolic disorder. And both symptoms can be controlled.
The American Heart Association recommends an optimal triglyceride count of 100. This level shows that the body is able to process fat efficiently and that the risk of insulin resistance is low. Yet about one in three adults have numbers of 150 or higher. These figures are especially troubling when they occur in people younger that 35 which is a further indication of the current epidemic of obesity which can lead to the serious metabolic disorder of diabetes.
Modern lifestyles are creating the perfect atmosphere for the development of people being overweight. Living a sedentary life combined with foods that are high-calorie and processed mean that people move less and eat more. A lot more than did our ancestors. Food cravings arise from both the stomach and the brain. Managing both is crucial to losing pounds and keeping them off.
An astonishing statistic notes that where hunger once held the world in its grip the 1.6 billion overweight and obese outnumber the malnourished almost 2-1. According to the World Health Organization a third of American adults were obese in 2008 and 69.4 percent were overweight. Two years later 80 percent of adult men were overweight as were 77 percent of women. This trend is not going away anytime soon and will no doubt contribute to more individuals living with a metabolic disorder.
Since 1900 infectious diseases such as pneumonia, tuberculosis and childhood diarrhea were the leading killers of Americans. Those have since been replaced by noninfectious ailments such as heart attacks, strokes and cancer. Worldwide obesity kills 2.8 million people a year and is the fifth leading factor for death.
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Thursday 23 May 2013

Essential Weight-Loss Strategies By Mahogany Law

Eating healthy and maintaining healthy eating habits can pose as a challenge for those who struggle with obesity. So, why do eating healthy and maintaining healthy eating habits pose as a struggle?
Like myself, I too struggled with making time to prepare healthier, nutritious meals, and making time for exercise. I was too caught up in working, and making a living, wanting to purchase that dream house, get married, and have children and believed that I had to keep working like a horse to accomplish such goals. While I was chasing my dreams, other areas of my life were suffering i.e. my health.
I received my wake-up call when I topped the scale at over 200 pounds. I began to take my health more seriously, and vowed to get to a healthier weight. What I will share with you today will help you to kick-start the beginning of your new healthy lifestyle. I will share with you some reasons why eating healthy is not only beneficial, but also life saving. Information from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) website advises us that eating healthy helps to ward of heart diseases, stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and cancer to name a few which we will touch on a little further.
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Unhealthy Eating Problems
Eliminating fruits and vegetables, exercise, and a lack of education are some of the problems that contributes to unhealthy eating. Of such unhealthy habits, eventually leads to obesity which then contributes to heart diseases, high blood pressure and stroke and ultimately leads to death. My grandfather died of a stroke over 20 years ago, and it still affects me to this day, because he's not here to see enjoy life with his grandchildren such as myself and other siblings.
Unhealthy eating is also more expensive financially. Think about it, the cost of blood pressure medication, diabetes medication, weight-loss programs and so on, which then affects society, adds up more than the extra time, effort, and cost that we can spare.
Solutions to Eating Healthy
I encourage each of you to adopt some ways of eating healthy and sticking with it. I have created three simple steps that you can follow to achieve healthier eating habits.
1. Before bed each night, take an extra five minutes and prepare on the go snack-packs such as: unsalted or lightly (sea salt) nuts (almonds, pistachios, peanuts, walnuts, sunflower seeds), fruits & vegetables (apples, pears, grapes, strawberries, celery, baby carrots, oranges, tangerine, pineapples, cantaloupes, watermelon), and freeze a bottle of water, or two with freshly squeezed lemon.
Purpose: keep at your desk at work so that when you have the taste for snacking, you can easily reach for the ones you already pre-packed from home, rather than going to the vending machines, or stopping at the nearest convenience store to purchase "junk" food.
2. If you're not working, travel with your fruits, nuts and water in your purse.
Purpose: so when you have the urge you can easily reach for it in your purse versus stopping to buy fast food items which will cause you to spend unnecessarily and add pounds to your waistline, hips, and thighs and so on.
3. If you're always on the go like myself, it can be hard to stick with eating healthy. I find that it helps me when I plan ahead, by getting enough rest and leaving home early enough so that I am not rushing. This gives me time to get to my destination on time and relax.
Purpose: planning ahead will help with emotional eating, because when you're rushing, you become stress which can make you feel bogged down and next thing you know, you're eating fries from Wendy's (I use to LOVE Wendy's fries) to try and calm down. By following these three simple steps, I had lost 11 pounds in 6 weeks, and I felt great and very refreshed!
How Does This Solve the Problem?
This will solve the problem by taking away the unhealthy eating habits, and as a result will help to alleviate many other problems i.e. lower the risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, heart diseases, stroke, etc.
Some Myths of Eating/Staying Healthy
Cost of healthier foods are too high
Cannot afford gym membership
Nowhere to find information on healthy eating
Healthy Eating Logic
Lowers risk for diseases
Lowers risk losing out on time with family
Lowers risk going financially broke
Remember, eating healthy lowers your risk for being diagnosed with heart diseases, obesity, stroke, diabetes etc.
Preparing healthy snacks in advance promotes healthy eating. 
 Author Mahogany Law
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Saturday 18 May 2013

4 Factors Why You Get Fat By Cj Baynosa

Age plays a vital role in fat metabolism. As we age, our body's metabolic process tends to slow down. We need to be cautious of what we are eating. As much as possible, we should try to lower our daily caloric intake. If your metabolism is slow, you should be aware of the quantity and quality of the food that is included in your daily diet. But, there are things that you can do to perk up your metabolism. You will only need self-discipline and a few minutes of your time to achieve this.
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Below are the most common factors that contribute to weight gain:
ALCOHOL-Most of us drink alcoholic beverages like beer, especially men. But, you may not be aware that this type of beverage contains a lot of sugar and is high in calorie. Drinking alcoholic beverages excessively can lead to dehydration which directly affects your body's metabolism. It affects your liver and liver plays an important role in fat metabolism.
BIG MEALS - Eating a large meal in one setting can also result to weight gain. If you eat a large amount of food in a single meal this increases your caloric intake. An increase in caloric intake will also increase the fat storage in the body. So, it is highly recommended to eat small meals several times in a day rather than eating large amount food in just one setting.
SUGARY FOODS - Most of us like eating sweets such as candies, deserts, and soft drinks. Although, we know that these foods are considered junk. Foods with little to no nutritional value and it is high in calorie. Sugar is easily digested in the body which means that less calorie are being burned by the body and excess calories are stored as fat. It is not bad if ones in a while indulge yourself to eating treats like this, but as much as possible, avoid this type of food. If your body craves for sugar, you can always substitute it by eating fresh and organic fruits. Fruits has fructose and fiber which is not easily digested, this is healthy, since more calories are being burned in the digestive process and this will increase your body's metabolic rate.
SEDENTARY LIFESTYLE -In this generation, people are more likely to work in a office. This means that, you are more likely sitting 7 hours or more in a day. And, after a long day of hard work, most of us are in a hurry to go home to eat and rest. In other words, people had no time to exercise. This lifestyle is generally bad for your health and also one of the major factors in weight gain.
One factor that is not mentioned here which can also be a cause of weight gain is genetics. If you came from a family that is considered to be obese, there is a big chance that you might be obese. But, these may not be true. If you avoid the things mentioned above and coupled it with exercise, I don't see any reason for you to have any problems with weight. Self-discipline and being consistent in doing things that are beneficial to your body is the key to good health and being fit.
For opinions and recommendations on how to lose weight fast and permanently, please visit
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Tuesday 14 May 2013

Adding Muscle And Losing Weight By Dr. Ashraf Hanafy Mahmoud Mohammed

Muscle burns more calories at rest than fat burns in action; however, many women are afraid that if they do weight work, they will bulk up. The fact of the matter is, women do not have the testosterone level necessary to bulk up, so these fears are needless. Building muscle helps make a woman strong and confident and boosts the metabolism for quicker weight loss and easier weight maintenance. Read on to learn how you can benefit from light weight work.

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One thing you should know about muscle building right from the start is that muscle weighs more than fat. For this reason, you may not exactly hit your weight goals when you build muscle, but you will hit your measurement goals. You will also be stronger, firmer and in better overall health. Of course, if you are very overweight, you will surely lose pounds. If you are just a few pounds overweight, you may not lose weight at all, but you will definitely see and feel an improvement in your looks and health.
Muscle building for weight loss and firming up does not involve struggling with huge weights. Start out with a light set of dumbbells. You will be surprised how much improvement you can see in your arms in just a week or so of light to moderate weight workout with a 3-5 pound set of dumbbells. This is especially true of your arms because they improve quickly.
Always warm up before doing a weight workout. Do a few minutes of light stretching and a little bit of cardio exercise to stretch and warm up the muscles. When you have finished your weight workout, cool down with light cardio followed by stretching. This will help you avoid injury and stiff, sore muscles.
When you start out, focus on form and do the exercises correctly. You can do more reps with a lighter weight than you would with a heavier weight. Generally speaking, do three sets of 10 reps each of each type of exercise you wish to perform. Be sure to vary your workout to avoid having your body become so efficient at your workout routine that you end up getting less and less benefit from it.
Be sure to eat plenty of lean protein to help rebuild your muscles when doing weight work. Eat a well-balanced, whole foods diet made up of lean protein sources, whole grains and fresh fruits and veggies. Avoid junk and simple carbohydrates. Drink plenty of pure, filtered water to keep your joints, muscles and brain functioning properly.
Staying well-hydrated will help wash the lactic acid out of your muscles and help you avoid being stiff and sore after exercising.
Aside from loss of weight and inches, there are lots of other benefits to working out with weights. You will feel stronger and look better when you are firm and lightly muscular. You will also have a lot more energy and a more efficient metabolism. Exercise in general will improve the quality of your sleep.
Building muscle for weight loss will help reduce the overall amount of fat in your body. You will stand taller and be generally healthier when you take up a regular routine of light to moderate weight work. Follow the tips presented here to lose weight and build strength.
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Saturday 11 May 2013

Weight Loss Tips You Should Never Ignore

Weight Loss Tips You Should Never Ignore

If you need to lose a few pounds, making some changes to your lifestyle is the best way to get in shape. Keep reading if you are not sure where to start with your weight loss program.
Signing up for a weight loss program, going on a crash diet or taking a weight loss pill can help you get excellent results in the short term. However, these methods will not give you enough time to get used to a healthy lifestyle. It is best to develop your own weight loss method and take plenty of time to transform your lifestyle one step at a time. This will give your body plenty of time to get used to your new lifestyle.
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Unhealthy nutritional choices should be avoided at all cost. If you are not sure which foods or beverages are unhealthy, check the labels of the items you purchase. Usually, processed foods, frozen dinners, fast food menu items and salty snacks contain large quantities of unhealthy ingredients. You should also avoid sweets, baked goods, fried foods and large quantities of dairy products.
Adopt a more balanced diet. Foods are divided in five main groups and you need to get healthy portions of each good group on a daily basis. You might be overweight because you get too much fats and oils in your diet and not enough healthy cereals. Do some research on the five food groups and learn to classify foods so you can easily prepare healthy meals.
Cooking at home should help you lose a lot of weight since you will be able to choose healthy ingredients and avoid processed foods. If you do not have much time to cook, learn to prepare easy dishes such as salads or sandwiches. Invest in a juicer to prepare drinks with your daily portions of fruits and vegetables. Cook when you have time and freeze small portions so you can have healthy meals during the whole week.
Being active will help you lose some weight. Look for ways to get at least an hour of exercise a day. Walk as much as possible, and try riding your bike to go to work or run errands. If you have a dog, go for long walks together. You could also play with your children or find some work to do around the house. Do some yard work, build some flower beds in your garden or work on some home improvement projects inside the house.
A fitness program can help you get in shape quickly. You do not have to work out intensely to get results. Try exercising for half an hour a day if you are out of shape. Target your midsection to build your resistance before you move on to more demanding exercises. Exercise safely by always stretching before and after a workout session and adopting a good posture. If you need help with your fitness program, join a gym so you can work with a personal trainer.
Use these tips to create your own weight loss program and get in shape. Remember that the most important thing is to adopt a healthy lifestyle for good.
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Monday 6 May 2013

How To Turbocharge Your Weight Loss With Natural Food By Ivonne Hale

With the ever-growing snippets of weight loss advice coming from your doctors, the nightly news, magazines and even your friends, it's easy to lose track of how to go about losing weight. Following the tips in this article is a great, simple way to get started losing weight and living healthier.
Dieting comes first and best way to get started is to prepare your own coffee with low fat milk. This is a must if you are a coffee junkie and drink your coffee outside the home. To get started, it is a good idea to prepare your coffee yourself with skimmed milk. This will help you cut down calories tremendously especially if you drink coffee at a cafe today. Coffee made at coffee shops is filled with a high amount of sugar, milk and cream, which is one of the easiest way to gain weight.
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Another factor to consider when choosing a weight loss program is your age. As you get older, your metabolism gets slower naturally and that is why age can be a strong factor. Taking initiative and starting a fitness program from this day on will give you the results you are looking for.
For some people weight loss does not come easy. They will eat right, they will exercise, yet the pounds just don't want to budge. If this is your situation, there is help. Going to a fitness expert and adding a good natural weight loss supplement can sometimes be a big help. The supplements have elements that can boost your weight loss results dramatically but make sure you use a natural one.
If you do not watch what you eat, you can easily get yourself into trouble. It is highly advisable not to eat while you are watching television or a movie. During such times, you can easily consume a lot more calories than needed without even knowing it.
While trying to lose some weight, it is a good idea to tell your friends and family about it. It is proven that people have a higher success rate with such support. Explain that you don't want them to police your eating habits, but that you need encouragement and sensitivity while you are trying to change your eating habits.
It really pays to have snack friendly vegetables like carrots, broccoli and celery washed, cut and ready to eat. It can be so easy to get lazy and reach out to those potato chips when you do not have your snacks prepared.
The tips offered here are simple but very straightforward and should help you to move forward in your weight loss journey. Even though adding a natural weight loss supplement to your diet can easily quadruple your results, many people still search for new solutions. When you look at the whole picture, all you really need to lose that extra weight is to have a strong desire, a good routine and persistence.
For more information about how to get a total wellness cleanse, check out the Total Wellness Cleanse Review. I'm sure you will like it!
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Friday 3 May 2013

5 Ways to Reduce LDL Cholesterol Naturally By Rehana Arain

Hypercholesterolemia is a problem that many people in their forties and above have to deal with. You are probably aware, this condition considerably increases the risk of stroke, myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis and various other serious health problems. Fortunately, there are many natural ways to reduce LDL cholesterol naturally and to balance your blood levels of cholesterol. In this post I am going to put into view a couple of excellent natural solutions for this.
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So, without wasting anymore of your time, here are 5 ways to reduce LDL cholesterol naturally:
1. Exercising and a controlled diet
These may be two of the most obvious solutions, which I am sure you have heard at least a couple of times so far. That's why I am covering both as one cholesterol reduction solution, and I shall try to be quite brief.
First of all, exercising helps you lose weight and you actually get rid of a lot of fatty mass that evidently contains cholesterol. Secondly, exercising is very stimulative for the enzymes that carry the LDL cholesterol from the blood back to the liver, from there it is passed into the bile and part of it excreted. To effectively diminish cholesterol through exercise, intense cardio exercises (like sprinting, biking, or working with a punching bag) are the best.
To reduce cholesterol by dieting, you simply have to eliminate or reduce the foods with a high content of cholesterol from your diet. These are eggs, pork, beef, chicken, fat fish like herring or carp, etc. You do not have to completely become a vegetarian though, however put balance in your diet.
2. Increase the fiber intake
Dietary fiber has an important role in the elimination of cholesterol. It is known that about 50% of the cholesterol generated by the liver and passed into the bile, plus the one contained by the food, is absorbed at intestinal level. Cholesterol actually sticks to the partially digested fiber particles at intestinal level, and instead of being reabsorbed, it is eliminated. By consuming foods rich in fiber, like cabbage, broccoli, whole grain, peas, beans, apples etc., you actually get rid of a higher amount of cholesterol.
3. Artichoke tea
Not many people are aware of this natural cholesterol remedy, but it is one of the best. An aunt of mine suffers from chronic hepatitis (do not know which type) and due to this fact, she always has problems with cholesterol levels. This tea has helped her reduce the intake of statins medication prescribed, thus getting rid of some side effects. The thing with the artichoke tea is that it is really bitter and disgusting. You kinda have to hold your nose and pour it down your throat, otherwise you might throw up.
4. Green tea
This is also a great natural remedy for hypercholesterolemia. However, for the results to be visible, you have to drink at least 3-4 cups per day for a longer period of time. Green tea contains caffeine, so if you are a coffee drinker, you might have to give up at least one or two cups of coffee, to avoid a high caffeine intake, which may not be exactly healthy.

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5. Omega-3 supplements
Dietary supplements which contain Omega-3 acids, although they do not have a direct impact on the lowering of the LDL cholesterol in your blood, they do help a lot with the balance between HDL (the good cholesterol) and LDL (the bad cholesterol), which is even better. Due to this fact, the risks of heart disease, or atherosclerosis are reduced, and your overall health improved.
Now, there are many types of supplements of fatty acids.
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