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Tuesday 25 December 2012

What Makes You Fat And How To Eliminate Fat Easily By David Ugorji

We all know that having excessive weight may result in several medical complications in the form of deadly diseases such as stroke, diabetes, heart troubles, some types of cancer, arthritis, to mention just a few. Unless you want to suffer from these kinds of illness, you had better done something about losing that weight now and find out how to eliminate fat easily.
Excessive weight or obesity has become prevalent. No thanks to the amount of junk food in circulation today and being consumed daily by millions of people. That brings me to the question of 'what makes you fat?'
Bad diet is a major cause of excessive weight and obesity. If you have a 'sweet tooth' and cannot do without sugary beverages & foods containing high levels of fructose-corn syrup, then you are well on your way to becoming unpleasantly fat (that is, if you are not already). Most processed junk foods out there contain insanely high amounts of calories that only serve to make you fat.
Unhealthy eating habits are not the only reason for excessive weight gain. Inadequate exercise also leads to fatigue and increase in excess fat.
Obesity, in rare cases, could be as a result of a medical condition for example, anyone suffering from hypothyroidism tends to increase in weight due to reduced body metabolism as a result of the ailment.
These are major reasons why you may be overweight. If you want to avoid excess fat, ensure you change your eating habits and see to it that you make smarter food choices like fruits, vegetables, protein, lean meat, fibre-rich foods, nuts, whole grain cereals, non-fat dairy products e.t.c These do not contain bad calories and will prevent you from getting fat. Ensure you drink plenty of water as well (at least 8 glasses of water daily). It is advisable to get a diet program you can follow; this would not only help to keep you committed towards losing weight quickly but will help you make smarter choices concerning the foods to eat for fast weight loss.
Exercising has significant benefits towards your weight loss. You could join a gym or engage in full body workouts at home for remarkable results. Exercises are a great way to lose weight too.
For special cases of obesity as that caused by hypothyroidism, I advise you seek medical attention immediately so as to help you quickly overcome the challenge.
Quick and easy weight loss is achievable. All you may just require is dedication to meeting up with your weight loss goal.
Now that you have seen how to eliminate fat easily, I hope you are determined to lose that weight now!
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