Beginners Blueprint

Income Blueprint Workshop

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Common Weight Loss False Myths That You Should Never Follow By Walter D Smith

Because of the high number of obese and overweight people in our society, there are different notions and views in our society about weight loss. While some of these views and notions are beneficial, there are a lot of them that are actually very far from the truth.
In this article we shall be looking at some common false half truths and false myths about weight loss that are not true. These false myths include the following:
1 - "There is an ideal exercise that is the best for losing weight"
Believing that there are some perfect and 100% ideal exercises for losing weight is not true because there is really no perfect exercise and most exercises are not better than each other, the most important thing is that you make sure that you burn more calories during exercise than what you are consuming.
So, generally speaking, the more the exercises that you do, the more the extra body fat that you will burn.
2 - "I am overweight because it is my genes"
It is very wrong to believe that you are fat because "It runs in your family"; you are not fat because you have a fat gene which you "Inherited from your parents". If there are many members of your family that are fat, it is most likely because all of you fed on the same bad diets.
Even though some people might have genes that make them more predisposed to putting on extra body weight, such people will not become overweight if they eat right and live right.
3 - "I want to lose all my excess body fat within two weeks"
It is impossible to lose all your excess body weight within such a short time; even if you make use of extra fast loss programs like the lemon fast, you will only succeed in losing weight quickly over a short period of time after which you will most likely experience rebound massive weight gain.
4 - "I am fat because I have a slow metabolic rate"
If your doctor has not diagnosed you as having a recognised medical disease that has resulted in the lowering of your metabolic rate, then you must accept the simple truth that you are fat because you eat too much and because you do not exercise enough.
5 - "I must eat very well after I exercise"
Even though you need to nourish your body with nutritious foods when you are exercising, you must be careful not to eat more calories than what you are consuming; if you want to achieve your fitness goals, you must eat less and exercise more.
6 - "I have tried every fitness and diet program out there without getting better"
This is a very common and misleading statement from fat people that have failed to use their diet and fitness program properly.
Most people that fail to realise their weight loss goals with their diet program actually cheated on the diet guidelines set out by their programs; you have to follow the plans and guidelines outlined in your diet program closely if you want to achieve your goals.
So, you can click here to download one of these two highly successful diet programs to help you achieve your weight loss and fitness goals effectively.
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7 Ways To Fight Insatiable Food Cravings By Shruti T

A morsel more and you'll end up eating it whole - that's temptation. More accurately, that's food craving, a strong sensation of gobbling your favorite food or snack that very instant. Food cravings can trigger anytime and generally strong enough to dwindle any of your dieting resolutions. Food can really be a sinful pleasure for some! But this pleasure can ruin your health, fitness levels and weight loss goals. You can stop this - through intelligent food choices and some tips discussed below.
1. Restock Your Refrigerator
Your refrigerator is the reason behind your untimely and unhealthy binge. You just have to restock it with healthy snacks and food options. Oust anything that can increase your weight, is fattening and high in calories. Make way for low calorie cheese, small ice cream packs, fruits, soybeans, vegetables and juices. If you can, avoid soft drinks, processed food, packed snacks like - burger, hot dog etc. You will be left with nothing but healthy foods to satisfy your cravings.
2. Uncanny, But True - Keep Your Mouth Fresh
If your mouth is freshly gargled and clean, chances are that you won't try to destroy it. This means you'll avoid having any snacks lest it spoils the charm.
3. Identify Your Weakness
Good food is difficult to resist, but for some it becomes their biggest weakness. Knowing foods which you crave for will be helpful because only then can you stay away from it. There are few subtle differences here. Foods which you crave for once in a blue moon aren't really your weakness; they might be body's way of getting nutritional requirements. The real problem makers are ones that make you munch frequently and unhealthily like an extra large burger, a bigger ice cream scoop or extra cheese on pizza. You need to identify these and moderate them, if you can't completely forsake them.
4. Hunger vs. Food Cravings
Most people forget to differentiate between hunger and cravings. They stuff food thinking they are hungry and that the particular food would bring in the wholesome feeling. However, this is entirely opposite. If you are really hungry even a healthy sandwich would be equally filling. Simply ask yourself a question - Will any other food satiate you apart from the one you hanker for? If the answer is no, then probably you aren't hungry.
5. Plan Your Day's Meal
If you are vulnerable to food cravings and it is ruining your health, it is time to put in some extra effort. You need to plan your entire day's food intake, as in - breakfast, snacks, lunch and dinner. You will also have to adequately supply all these eating sessions with healthy food alternatives. This will leave you no scope to splurge on your food weakness.
6. Believe In The Virtue of Self Control
Your health is more important than satisfying your food cravings - understand this! A moderated eating habit can always create scope for indulgence. So, even if you are indulging in your favorite snack never get tempted to eat that extra bit.
7. Appetite Suppressant
If you are prone to overeating then you may feel the hunger or food craving more often. You can fight both by using natural appetite suppressant. Natural appetite suppressant diminish hunger like feeling, thus making you avoid eat more. Some of the best among all include - water, nuts and almonds, salads, soups, avocados, apples and ginger.
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