Beginners Blueprint

Income Blueprint Workshop

Sunday 18 November 2012

Get Rid of Sugar Cravings - Lose Weight Fast By Sharon M. Jones

If you're reading this it is because you want to lose weight fast, the easy way or you're looking for some magic potion or wand. I hate to break it to you, it isn't going to happen! But get rid of your sugar cravings and it could very well jump start your metabolism into a fat burning machine.
I had a conversation with one of my friends yesterday and she's completely frustrated with the fact she's been "dieting" but can't lose any weight. At the same time she's telling me this she's eating her "breakfast" which consists of one of those supposedly good for you "diet" bars. Now mind you this "diet" bar is the size of a match box and packs in over 200 calories!
A general rule of thumb for dieting is around 400 calories per meal, depending on your activity level, and I'm telling you I'd have to eat 3 or 4 of those to even feel full! Not mention who knows how many carbs, sugars and preservatives are in it just so it doesn't taste like cardboard! She also says eating fresh fruits and vegetables is expensive, but, have you seen how much those things cost?
OK, I'll get off my soapbox and get on to a more serious note. Her biggest excuse to me is she doesn't like vegetables or fruits. But the truth is when we give her fruits and vegetables out of the garden she rants about how great they are and when we go out for dinner she's always all over those fruity sugar filled drinks. So in my opinion that's not entirely the truth. The truth is, like me, she's an addict, a sugar addict still in denial.
Let's face it, if we're in a position where we need to lose weight, it's not because we have diets packed with fruits and vegetables. And if you're like me, you like fruits and vegetables but you would PREFER something loaded with sugar. I mean, don't we all?
How Blood Sugar Affects Weight Loss
  1. Excess sugar tells our fat cells to go into storage mode.
  2. Fat Burning stops completely and if we are on an exercise program, all the workout does is burn the excess sugar in our bloodstream and if there is any excess sugar left it gets packed into our fat cells.
  3. Increased Blood Sugar triggers higher insulin production which in turn decreases blood sugar. That sounds pretty good right? But if the insulin surge brings blood sugars too low it causes lack of energy, hunger pains/cravings which in turn makes us want to eat or cheat and everything starts all over again. It's a vicious cycle.
Controlling Blood Sugar Equals Fast Weight Loss
Regulating blood sugar is the most effective way to maintain fat burning. You can avoid blood sugar peaks and valleys by;
  1. Always eating breakfast
  2. Eating healthy snacks between meals. This helps control hunger and potential binges. It keeps your energy level stable and could very well be the most effective way to keep your fat burning furnace (a.k.a. your metabolism) melting away the pounds fast.
From one sugar addict to another, I'm not saying it'll be easy and I'm not saying go cold turkey right off the bat. What I am saying is you HAVE to wean yourself off processed sugar foods no matter whether you're looking to lose weight or a healthier lifestyle!
The next time you want something sweet or one of those "diet" bars, try replacing just one a day with a fruit or vegetable. Then once you're good with one time a day do the same thing two times a day and so on. Before you know it, you'll be looking for fruit or vegetables instead of something sugary.
I know, I know, easier said than done but if I can do it, you CAN do it!!!!!
Sharon has used alternative solutions for a healthy lifestyle that include healthy organic eating, Yoga & Meditation. She has spent the last several years motivating friends and family with tips, tricks and words of encouragement. If you are looking for more information like this, visit her website at
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