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Friday 25 October 2013

Weight Loss: Do Some People Fear Losing Weight? By Oliver J R Cooper

The Weight loss industry is one of the biggest in the world and takes in billions every year. This affects both men and women and while sometimes it can be for health reasons, at other times it is for aesthetic reasons.
People can lose weight through: eating differently, exercising, taking supplements, medical procedures and by having hypnotherapy for example. And new ways and variations are constantly made available; as way to stimulate interest and to entice people to buy what is being offered.
The Short Term
In the short term this could relate to a woman who has just had a baby and therefore wants to lose the weight that she has recently gained. Or it could be during a time when a man or women recently suffered a loss and used food as a way to comfort themselves and gained unwanted weight in the process.
And in the above cases, there will be people who can lose it fairly quickly and other people who cannot. It could also be that one will lose it quickly and then gain it just as fast.
The Long Term
There will also be people who have wanted to lose weight since they were young or for many years and no matter what these people do, they can't seem to lose it.
Then there will be people who can lose it fairly easily with the right assistance, no matter how long they have carried the weight for. And just like in the example above; they will be people who lose it and then regain it, in a very short space of time.

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A Preset
Regardless of where one may have started from or what their reasons are, it's as if someone people have an internal preset that won't be changed. This is demonstrated when weight is lost and then simply returns to its previous level.
And this can create not only physical challenges, but also mental and emotional challenges. To lose weight and then regain it or to find it difficult to lose weight in the first place is going to test ones resolve.
This could seem as though one is working against their body and what their body wants is completely different to what they want. Losing weight can be done and yet it is a real struggle to do it and just as much of a struggle to maintain the weight loss.
And this brings the focus to the conscious and unconscious mind. The conscious mind can want one thing and the unconscious mind can want something else. When these are working together, just about anything can happen and when they don't; it will inevitably lead to struggle, strain and frustration.

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Is It Safe?
What the unconscious rejects will be what is interpreted as being unsafe and what it accepts will be what is interpreted as being safe. The ego mind associates what is safe with what is familiar.
So as long as something is familiar, it will be interpreted as being safe. And it won't matter if this is causing one to suffer or to struggle. These associations are often formed when one is very young or during certain stressful moments as an adult.
The Connection
At this moment in time the weight may be unwanted and yet it could be due to the associations of the past that is keeping it there. Weight is similar to muscle, in that it can protect the body from real or perceived external stressors.
If one feels vulnerable in some way, to gain weight will enable one to feel safe. So weight is then used as an alternative to ego boundaries.
Through having boundaries, one knows where they begin and end and where other people begin and end. It is then possible to feel safe to be who one is and to know that one has their own personal space.

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Possible Causes
So perhaps when one was a child it wasn't safe for them to just be. There early environments could have been dangerous, hostile, abusive and unsafe. And as one didn't have the chance to develop healthy boundaries, the only possible option was to armour themselves through gaining weight.
So even though one may want to lose weight, the body keeps regaining it due to these early associations that were formed. If they were to lose it, it would retrigger these past memories of being completely vulnerable, having no control and being wide open in life.
There is the view that once one feels comfortable in who they are, their weight will return to a health level. This inner conflict can lead to one becoming trapped in an endless cycle of diets, frustration and pain. What one eats is clearly important and as is how one feels about food and their body.
On the surface one may imagine how good their life would be or how good it would feel to lose weight. But at a deeper level, it could trigger a lot of fear and this fear is then causing one to sabotage that they consciously seek.
This is something that can be dealt with through the assistance of a therapist, coach or healer. They can help one to go where they might not have gone by themselves.
My name is Oliver J R Cooper and I have been on a journey of self awareness for over nine years and for many years prior to that I had a natural curiosity.

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For over two years, I have been writing articles. These cover psychology and communication. This has also lead to poetry.
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Tuesday 22 October 2013

Foods To Avoid With Gout - How To Retain Your Mobility By Manzoor Mohammed

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Gout is a form of arthritis that occurs as a result of the accumulation of uric acid crystals in a joint. Uric acid is generally created in the body when purines are broken down during digestion. Not only is this condition very painful but it also reduces your mobility to a great extent. While there are medications that can help treat this condition, doctors generally recommend that you change your diet as well. The various foods to avoid with Gout are:
1. Red meat, fatty fish and poultry: These foods should be avoided because they are rich sources of purine. Be especially careful to not eat organ meats for this reason. Fish is generally good for the health but fatty fish such as tuna, herring, mackerel and anchovies should not be consumed. It might not be easy o avoid eating fish and poultry entirely but you should certainly reduce their consumption.
2. Saturated fats: If you consume a lot of saturated fats then your body will not be able to eliminate uric acid easily. In addition, since doctors have noted a direct link between obesity and gout the amount of fats in your diet should be reduced.
3. Dairy: They are animal in origin and also contain high concentration of fats. It is best to limit your daily intake to the absolute minimum while also consuming only low fat dairy products.

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4. High fructose corn syrup: This is a major culprit for causing gout since it increases the amount of uric acid in the body. Most commercially available sweets and baked goods contain high fructose corn syrup. It is also found in many sweetened beverages.
5. Alcohol: Not only does alcohol consumption result in weight gain but it also interferes with the normal process of eliminating uric acid from the body. While you should reduce your consumption of all types of alcohol if you suffer from gout, you should especially avoid consuming beer.
The list of foods to avoid with gout does seem to be a long one but you can still enjoy delicious meals as long as you exercise restraint and creativity. Add foods containing complex carbohydrates (whole grains, pulses) to your diet and increase your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables. Be sure to drink plenty of water every day because this helps in the elimination of various toxins from your body. You will still need to take medical treatment for gout but your symptoms will reduce considerably.
It is possible to keep gout in control by medications and the right diet. Find out about the foods to avoid with gout so that you can reduce your discomfort.
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Tuesday 15 October 2013

Avoiding Hair Loss the Natural Way By Emily J Jayden

There are a lot of factors that cause hair thinning or balding; some of them being genetic like stress, illnesses or deficiencies on vitamins that are essential to hair growth. There are also external causes like excessive hair styling, especially those that inflict terrible pull on the hair-line. If you are already losing excessive amount of hair or are at risk of being so, here are some practical ways that you can start practicing to save your crowning glory.
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More Protein, More Healthy Hair
It is one of the nutrients that aid your body to grow healthy hair, which is why it is coined as the building block of hair. Not getting enough protein for your beautiful mane will cause it to grow more slowly and for its strands to get weaker. Foods that are the best source of protein for your hair are lean beef, poultry, nuts, beans, and fish.
Eight Glasses of Water A Day Keeps The Baldness Away
Only a minute amount of your tresses is made out of water, but no matter how small, your hair essentially needs to be hydrated all the time. Water also aids the nutrients in your body to reach your hair a lot easy. The temperature of your head contributes to hair growth as well, so keep it regulated at normal level by drinking at least eight glasses of water per day.

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Don't Be Lazy, Wash Your Hair Regularly
A clean hair and scalp is, needless to say, as important as eating the right kind of food to promote hair growth. When you do wash your hair though, make sure you use a mild shampoo and you avoid vigorously rubbing it with towel when drying. A gentle pat will do to avoid hair breakage. Also, avoid using a brush when combing a wet hair because some of your hair that is still growing will snap if you do. Go for a wide-toothed combed instead.
If You Drink or Smoke, STOP!
Alcohol not only causes beer belly, it also gives the meanest treatment to your hair. It kills the zinc level in your body that is supposed to keep your mane healthy. The higher your consumption of alcohol gets, the lower your zinc level goes. Smoking, although, can cause high blood pressure - among other things, of course. Since hypertension radically decreases the quantity of blood that can flow through the body, your scalp subsequently gets less blood, which also means fewer nutrients.

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See What You Get From Vitamin C
How can someone so young have so many gray hairs already? Chances are that their hair and Vitamin C haven't seen eye to eye for so long. Premature graying, brittleness, and dryness are common causes of the lack of Vitamin C in your hair. Your Vitamin C is the one that safeguards your hair from germs that strike your hair follicles and cause it to go weaker and weaker. So, eat your daily vegetable and fruit requirements like berries, oranges, peppers and tomatoes.
You are now armed with the knowledge on how to naturally stop hair loss. It might be easier said than done, but if you really do not want to go bald, prematurely at least, find the will to stay healthy with what you eat and what you do.
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Saturday 12 October 2013

Better Health With a Cardiologist By Andrea Avery

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A cardiologist can help treat you when it comes to issues that affect the heart. Since heart disease is so common and these issues are incredibly dangerous, this person can save your life. You will have the chance to prevent serious health issues, take care of yourself in a better manner, and manage anything that you currently have. You will be able to be healthier because of the expertise and skills available here. With the emergency services and all that is possible, you do not have to worry when it comes to your heart. The moment that something goes wrong, you will have help available so that you are not dealing with this alone.

Before something happens, you should reach out to a cardiologist. If you have a family history of heart disease, as most people do, you will have the opportunity to prevent issues with a professional. You will get to learn about your current condition, anything that you may not know, and what you can do to keep yourself healthy. This will put you on the right path towards a longer, healthier life. You will be able to avoid serious problems from occurring and to manage any issues that you do have.
Once something does go wrong, you need a cardiologist by your side. During the moments after a stroke, heart attack, or other serious issues that affect the heart, you need someone knowledgeable taking care of you. You need someone who knows what they are doing and how to help you recover. This will give you the greatest chance of a full recovery or at least the best recovery possible. You will be healthier and far better off when you have an expert on your side. This will also reduce risks that you may not notice, but someone experienced can help.

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Sometimes, you are going to need life-long treatments and care. After a stroke or your heart is damaged, you need someone who can help you improve your health and keep your condition from worsening. Since the effects of these issues can last your entire life, you need someone who can help you. A cardiologist will be capable of managing your heart health and giving you the guidance that you need. This will give you the ability to make better choices, and to do things in a manner that is healthier for you. This makes it possible for you to avoid dangers and improve yourself.
Every person can benefit from the expertise of a cardiologist. When something goes wrong or when you want to prevent these issues from happening, you will be able to reach out to one. This gives you the guidance, support, and help that you need to live a healthier life. Your heart will be in a much better condition and you will be better because of this. You can improve yourself and your heart with someone who knows what they are doing.
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Tuesday 8 October 2013

Diet Tips to Prevent Hair Loss By Sean M Reed

Thinning hair and baldness can affect men and women of all ages, but is especially prevalent in men who are 40 years of age or older.
Today's innovative hair loss treatments can help spur regrowth of hair and stop hair loss in its tracks, and hair transplants can help recreate a full head of hair within a few months of treatment.
Still, there are ways to prevent hair loss from occurring in the first place; eating the right foods and maintaining a healthy lifestyle may be a valuable solution for reducing the risk of hair loss and enjoying your youthful looks for the years ahead.
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Here are just a few of the top foods to can help prevent hair loss:
#1: Oats
Eating a hearty bowl of oatmeal each morning could be just what you need to speed up hair growth and improve your looks. Oats contain high levels of iron, magnesium and potassium, and can also keep your diet in great shape.
#2: Salmon
Salmon and other fish that contain high levels of Omega-3s play an important role in cell and metabolic functioning. Salmon is especially beneficial for strengthening existing hair, and keeping the scalp healthy. Consider adding two to three servings of salmon to your weekly menu.
#3: Soy milk
Soy milk is a valuable source of protein, and plays a vital role in hemoglobin production. Hemoglobin helps transport oxygen to the cells, muscles and tissues, and is essential for cell and muscle repair. Drinking soy milk with breakfast is a simple way to add this valuable food to your diet.
#4: Citrus Fruits
Oranges, grapefruit and lemons contain high levels of Vitamin C which helps maintain healthy skin and hair. Eating foods that contain a significant amount of Vitamin C, or taking a Vitamin C supplement, can help to keep the scalp and hair follicle in great shape.

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#5: Brown Rice
Brown rice is a healthy whole grain that contains Biotin, an essential mineral that may reduce your risk of hair loss and graying hair. Brown rice is also a good source of fiber, and can keep your digestive tract in good order.
#6: Turkey
Turkey is a valuable source of Vitamin B3, or Niacin, and these minerals promote healthy blood circulation. Making sure the scalp and hair follicles receive enough oxygen is essential for healthy hair growth, so increasing circulation can help with this process.
#7: Whole Wheat Products
Silica is an essential nutrient found in whole wheat products, and is especially valuable in the diet because it can absorb other vitamins and minerals. Whole wheat products also promote healthy digestion, so this can also promote a balanced diet.
According to, excessive Vitamin A in the diet can contribute to hair loss, and certain foods should be avoided if you are experiencing balding or thinning hair. Fatty foods, sugary foods and drinks, and processed food with excessive amounts of salt can all contribute to poor health - and increase your risk of hair loss and other health problems. Essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients found in everyday food could be the keys of prevention for hair loss.
Consider adding these key foods into your diet to maintain a healthy head of hair and keep your scalp as healthy as possible.
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Saturday 5 October 2013

Can Hypnosis Boost Your Exercise Motivation? By Jois Nigrisoli

Engaging in regular exercise is truly not an option.
Medical science has collected over the years numerous data showing a clear correlation between being inactive and certain life-threatening diseases. The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that two million deaths a year are directly linked to a lack of regular exercise.
A study by the University of Hong Kong and the Department of Health showed that twenty percent of all deaths in persons aged 35 or older is caused by inactivity. This is more than the number of deaths caused by smoking.
As you can see, engaging in regular physical activity is very important to your continuing good health, but in addition to the benefits that regular physical activity affords to health, exercise is also a must if you care about the wellness of your whole being.
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Without regular exercise, for instance, there is a high chance that you will increase your weight because you aren't expending as many calories as you need to. Hence this is another reason why exercising must be part of your lifestyle.
Being inactive is not taking care of yourself.
Unfortunately, one feels quite often a lack of the necessary drive to follow a regular exercise plan that would promote one's well being. You know you should be doing it, you know you would feel better afterwards, you know that within a few weeks of steady exercise that rounded belly would disappear... but you don't get up from the sofa.
It is necessary to find some means to increase your motivation.
Most experts agree on the fact that motivation is mainly a psychological phenomenon. What usually plays the trick on us is that our conscious mind knows that exercise is good for us but our subconscious mind is thinking very differently. That's why Hypnosis has recently been proposed as one of the easiest methods to motivate people to exercise.

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How does it happen?
To understand how Hypnosis works, first of all it is essential to understand the difference between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation.
Extrinsic motivation occurs when there are external forces compelling someone to do something. It is quite short-lived and extremely ineffective as a long term exercise motivator precisely because of the tendency to dissolve quickly.
Intrinsic motivation occurs in the presence of an internal force. A person is compelled to do something because he or she desires to, and finds pleasure in carrying out such an action. Intrinsic motivation is essentially more powerful than extrinsic motivation: coming from the person's inner self, it may last just as long as it's needed.
It is therefore clear that, to increase your exercise aptitude, a seriously useful motivation would be intrinsic, and Hypnosis can be a valid instrument to reach and awaken the internal force that would boost your exercise motivation.
Now, let's recall briefly what Hypnosis is. It is a trance state, also known as altered state of consciousness, not unlike any other trance state you can experience on a daily basis. In fact, all of us are in and out of trance states every day. Daydreaming is a light trance state. A deeper trance state occurs right before sleep, when one is very relaxed.
Hypnosis is a safe, proven technique that has been used for thousands of years, and one that allows us to connect directly to our deeper being, delivering the messages that we need to send to ourselves.
Unfortunately, not all of us have the time or the resources to visit a Hypnotherapist on a regular basis, which may be why a certain amount of popularity has been lately gained by Self Hypnosis.
For some time now, professional therapists have been producing CDs that can be played safely at home. Generally, Self Hypnosis CDs contain a soothing music that relaxes the listener and allows his or her mind to reach a subconscious state. Then the therapist's voice will propose the desired suggestions, which are consequently fed in the subconscious mind of the listener.

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If you wish Self Hypnosis to work more effectively for you, you must listen to your CD in a quiet and peaceful place. If your mind is filled with noises and confusion, it can become difficult for you to listen and believe in the subliminal messages. The more relaxed you are, the more alert your subconscious mind will be and the more it will accept the communicated messages.
Regular exercise is not really an option, it's a necessity. I investigate how to become motivated enough to abandon lazyness and I wish to share my findings with others. It just might help them.
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Chocolate In A Dark Form Is A Lot Better Than Any Other Colors:

Chocolate In A Dark Form Is A Lot Better Than Any Other Colors

Chocolate has a delicious taste that most of us don't know that it is made from plants. Which means it contains many of the health benefits of vegetables. Some of us don't like eating vegetables but by eating chocolate, we are unaware that it's the vegetable that we eat that contains hundreds of health giving benefits. This benefits is an antioxidants derived from a substance known as flavanoids. The purpose of these antioxidants is to protect the body from free radicals against aging. A large amount of these antioxidants can be found on dark chocolates. This substance known as flavanoid produces Nitric Oxide that aides the body in relaxing its blood pressure. And it also gives a balance hormone in the body.

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This dark chocolate is very good for the heart. Consuming a small bar every single day will help the cardiovascular system working well and also for the heart to have well balanced function. And when it comes to heart, there are two benefits that this chocolate can give. It has the ability to lower the blood pressure and to lower the body fat index or the cholesterol level. It can also help people with high blood pressure to lower down there blood pressure by just eating a small bar of this dark chocolate which has shown in some studies. For body fat mass, this dark chocolate has the power to reduce Low Density Lipoprotein cholesterol, which we better known as bad cholesterol as high as up to 10 percent of the current cholesterol level.

The other benefit that this chocolate can bring aside from protecting the heart is that this chocolate has an agreeably good taste. It also has the potential to regulate endorphin production which provides a feeling of pleasure and a bit of satisfaction and fulfillment. Its composition contains a substance known as Serotonin which acts as an anti depressant. This dark chocolate also contains a substance called Theobromine, and even an amount of caffeine which we all know as a best source to stimulate the body and the brain. A lot of other stimulants are also present in chocolate but are in small contents.

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For persons that are more concerned about their body figure, there's good news since it says that there is no need to stop eating chocolate but only to eat the exact amount. Fat contents in this chocolate do not impact the body cholesterol level. A composition of 0.33% of Oleic acid, 0.33 % of Stearic acid, and 0.33 % of Palmitic acid are the components of all fats in a chocolate. On the book of medicine and other health practitioner guide, this Oleic Acid is a monounsaturated fat which Olive Oil is known as its good source. Another component of this chocolate is a Stearic Acid which is a saturated fat that according to some research and studies shows to be of no effect on cholesterol, thus said to be of neutral state. The last known fat is called Palmitic Acid. This kind of fat is saturated and has the ability to raise cholesterol level and even risk for heart disease. As a summary, only 1/3 of the fat in dark chocolate is bad for cholesterol.

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Since there is a presence of 0.33% as bad cholesterol on dark chocolates, it is always suggested to balance the intake of calories which only means not to eat a pound of chocolate a day since this is still a food of high calorie. Right intake of chocolate which is around 100 grams, that's approximately 3.5 ounces would give a maximum benefits that a chocolate contains. There are 300 known compounds and components in every single bite of chocolate. This dark chocolate has a lot more contents of antioxidants compare to a milk chocolate or any other white chocolate since this dark chocolate has a content of cocoa for 65 percent or even higher.

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Thursday 3 October 2013

Eating Dark Chocolate Keeps the Doctors Away! :

Today, Eating Dark Chocolate Keeps the Doctors Away! Soon , Chocolate In A Dark Form Is A Lot Better Than Any Other Colors

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Indeed, this is quite true, as based on scientific research findings that may very well alter the image of chocolate forever -- from junk food to health food! Isn't it quite refreshing? Millions all over the world would be thrilled to know that the treat they all love is also very beneficial for our health.

So start chanting now, eat chocolate for a healthier you!

Well, before, we start getting excited over this, let us discover what the scientific studies have found out about chocolate, dark chocolate in particular – the type that quite a lot of people favor.

Findings have sufficient proof to declare that dark chocolate contains much more health benefits compared to white chocolate and milk chocolate. These two latter types actually have higher contents of fat and lesser health benefits to consumers.

Dark chocolate, also considered as bittersweet or semi-sweet chocolate, has been found to be very beneficial for people. One of its foremost benefits is that it enhances your mood and keeps you on a lighter, happier state of emotion. It has serotonin that affects a person much like an anti-depressant would.

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So now you have discovered the why your mood becomes visibly improved after a bar of chocolate on a bad day.

Furthermore, aside from soothing us and lightening up our mood, it also improves the flexibility of our blood vessels and thus, eases the circulation of blood in our system.

Another outstanding aspect of chocolate that is very beneficial for people is the fact that nutrients can be found in it that are now known to prevent cancer. Cacao, an ingredient which dark chocolate has in abundance, contains antioxidants that are essential for the body to have in order to fight free radicals that cause heart ailments and other types of diseases.

Flavonoids can be found in chocolate and is a major enemy of free radicals that may come from other foodstuffs ingested by the body or absorbed from the environment. Flavonoids, called Epicatechins and Catechins, help a lot in protecting the body's immune system.  This is why, consuming chocolate with higher cacao content, or consuming dark chocolate for that matter is healthier.

Who would think that even with the delightfully thick and velvety texture of chocolate, minerals are present in it, minerals such as iron and magnesium? Now, you know that even if you cannot resist chocolate, you are not wasting yourself away.  As long as you keep it moderate, eating chocolate is perfectly healthy!

The antioxidants in chocolate have been found beneficial for joints and help in reducing pain and stiffness caused by arthritis. Getting better sleep for a well rested you on the following day is another benefits offered by chocolate's antioxidants. Vitamin B is also present which significantly increase the energy level of the brain and body.

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Who says that eating chocolate would increase your calorie consumption leading to higher cholesterol and blood pressure levels? Well, they are mistaken – and what's best, we have the studies to prove it! Eating dark chocolate actually even helps lower the cholesterol and blood pressure levels of the body. That's definitely a resounding "Yay!" for all chocolate lovers. Even if chocolate has fats and cholesterol, they are the good kind that does not interfere with production of insulin in the body.

Who says you will become a diabetic if you eat chocolate? These people got it all wrong – a healthy dose of dark chocolate is beneficial for diabetics, who must constantly limit their sugar consumption. Since dark chocolate is low in carbohydrates, it is good for diabetics.

However, citing the health benefits of chocolate does not mean that you have to start eating loads of chocolate now. As in all things, excessiveness is not healthy. Remember to keep things in moderation – especially in consuming your favorite chocolate.

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