Beginners Blueprint

Income Blueprint Workshop

Friday 23 November 2012

Why Is Breakfast the Most Important Meal of the Day? By Paul Drongo

Don't skip breakfast when you're on a fat loss diet.

Breakfast must be the best meal of the day provided it has all of the main food groups: eggs, steak, bacon, and coffee. It is a strange logic why anyone would ever want to skip it.
But many people apparently believe they can begin their diet by missing the first meal of the day.
The idea is pretty tempting: Remove one whole meal, and you can wipe out hundreds of calories.
However, it doesn't exactly work out that way. Those who eat no breakfast more than make up for it later on in the day. They eat more food, and they eat bad food. Is it surprising that they're not losing any weight?
In a number of experiments, volunteers had a big breakfast one day and no breakfast at all on another.
The day they ate no breakfast, they were hungrier and craved for more junk. And at lunch time, they gave in to that craving and ate an average of twenty percent more than when they ate a full breakfast.
They were also given brain scans as they viewed pictures of different foods before lunch. On no-breakfast days, the brain went into top gear at the mere sight of calorie-packed junk like pizza and cakes.
Therefore it is clear that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But be careful here -- because WHAT you eat is even more important.
A high carb breakfast of cereal and toast causes people to feel hungrier -- and eat more -- than a breakfast of eggs which is high in protein.
Looks like no breakfast at all!
And that suggests the real breakfast is what you actually want anyhow -- the foodstuffs you've been told aren't good for you. However, they are good for you after all, so have your bacon and eggs.
It's breakfast time.
Broken knees and large waistline.
A lot of years and a lot of pounds -- it's a double burden that'll kill your knees. You must be wondering why you ever bothered to grow old.
These days, you don't even need to be "old" to face debilitating osteoarthritis of the knees -- because the latest studies show that it's kicking in earlier than ever. And you can blame the obesity epidemic for that.
Your hinges simply were not built to handle decades of strain under all that extra blubber.
Back in the early 1990s, most people didn't get diagnosed with the condition until they reached about 70 years. But now, the average age of first diagnosis is just 56 -- and the percentage of even younger folks with the condition is three times higher now, with some getting hit in their forties and even their thirties.
That was unknown just a few years ago. Today, it's boosting the sales of scooter chairs into one of the rare but profitable niche in our economy.
Naturally, the mainstream is fast to recommend its favorite remedy, exercise, as the supposed solution to knee osteoarthritis.
Exercise for already broken knees?
If you'd like a shortcut to lasting and even permanent knee damage, then exercise is the very thing that'll get you there and in a hurry. You can be sure that the cartilage in your knees will be reduced to shreds before long.
You cannot even count on that exercise to ease the strain to help you to lose weight. Exercise alone doesn't reduce waistlines, and study after study has confirmed it.
Only a diet can do that -- and if you switch over now to a diet heavy in fresh animal fats and low in carbohydrates, and you could be able to stop your knees from breaking down to begin with.
But don't delay it for too long. It may be late before you know it.
Paul Drongo specializes in providing news and advice in natural fat loss and weight loss therapies as well as in general health. For more detailed information, visit:
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