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Thursday 31 January 2013

Easy Weight Loss Tips For You By Kevin Mondesir

Easy weight loss tips are endlessly given by health magazines, websites, and overweight people who successfully lost pounds, and as a member of the third group I'm sharing my five cents below.
I love pigging out, and this is one activity I found challenging to resist. Eventually though, upon realizing I'm turning into a pig myself, I decided to gradually shift to a semi-vegan diet. The transformation is hell, but it's all worth it. Now, I eat meat and heavy carbohydrates-filled dishes only during weekends, and munch on vegetable and fruit servings most of the time, which means the rest of the whole week.
And so the first easy weight loss tips I can give you is to eat more servings of fruits and vegetables. Honestly, at first, I didn't dig veggies, but I realized they're really beneficial to my health. I feel lighter when I began eating more veggie meals. They make me feel full faster but they are also low in calories so they don't give excess pounds, not mentioning that they're filled with fibers, vitamins and antioxidants.
Another of the easy weight loss tips that really worked for me is eating more meals within the day. I learned that eating thrice a day contributes to gaining more weight. Eating in the traditional three times a day method made me take in more food because I always felt I was starving. Having six meals a day in equal proportions however made me felt less hungry and therefore gave me a weaker urge to linger in the kitchen.
I know the struggles that you go through because your not losing weight the way you would like. So I've gone out and found what you are looking for and that is, Easy Weight Loss Tips.
I wrote this article for those of you just not losing weight. I also wrote it for those of you looking for Easy Weight Lose Tips. This article is a simple suggestion but I have the real solution for you on my website. My site is [] Go here to get the solution to your Diet, Exercise, and Weight loss questions.
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Wednesday 30 January 2013

The #1 Worst Food For Weight Gain Revealed.

It's curious how the foods you think are 'healthy' are actually the ones that are making you fat.

This video will show you which foods to avoid immediately:  >>

When I first saw this information it completely blew me away.

If you need to drop 10, 20, or even 50lbs of fat, then get this information now while its still online. It works for men or women.

Click the link below now to get this information:


How to Lose Weight Sensibly By Cleto Tirabassi

Now isn't this a subject that is beaten to death day after day? Indeed it is. And without any new or recently uncovered facts, can this article possibly add anything new? Not really. What it does propose however, is a refreshing of perspective on weight loss in a world where there is much confusion brought about by so many conflicting principles and products.
Therefore, this article does not intend to flaunt any new diet or weight loss secret - neither to expound any sophisticated, scientific formula or gadget which will provide swift results. The aim is to set straight some basic and commonsense facts about losing weight, and how to go about doing it sensibly.
But what about all the so-called weight loss secrets?
In truth, there are none which really hold water. Many individuals will want uninformed or naive would-be dieters, or people wanting to reduce weight, to believe that pounds can be shed in a snap by following their quick-fix programs, or by buying their books or gadgets.
Any individual promoting a weight loss plan or product which is claimed to deliver fast results should be approached with caution and prudence, as one's health may be at risk. If you are not experienced in physical exercise, or in following a restricted eating plan, be especially aware. Invest in the guidance or advice of a medical practitioner and that of a fitness trainer, certified by a recognized body or institute.
And what about those elaborate or high-tech proposals with captivating statements and guarantees?
Maintaining or losing weight, although not advisable in a short space of time, are far simpler than we care to realize. However, as mentioned, there are no short-cuts, miracle pills or treatments for effective or permanent weight loss.
So why is it then that we consciously overlook the basics of weight management in favour of products which are clad in fancy or space-aged packaging, or follow scientifically drummed up methods which are obviously overblown?
Well, we probably think losing weight needs to be a complex scientific process because the health and fitness industry is so dominated by the high-tech marketing approach associated with these very products.
Overcomplicated weight management principles too often cause lesser-informed individuals to be misled or coerced into spending unnecessary sums of money. Briefly, weight loss is something which is well within the reach of the average person wishing to decrease his or her mass. This unless of course one is ailing from a medical condition, hormone imbalance or deficiency, metabolic issue, thyroid problem, or other medical condition which renders weight loss a problem, or limits or prevents the participation by a certain individual in a fitness program.
So, with a clearer sensible approach, let's take a look at 5 important components associated with a successful weight loss program:
1. Make a commitment
So we know that successful and permanent weight loss is something far less complex than is made out to be. However, the question of how to lose weight successfully and permanently requires more consistency and commitment than the everyday person is normally willing to invest.
How many people have you heard saying that they were going to lose weight and had already started dieting, only to throw in the towel somewhere down the line? Whimsical attempts at anything in life are often short-lived. The first and most important step in successful weight loss, is to make a firm commitment to yourself that you want to and are going to do "it." Far too many people "dabble" with an exercise or transformation program, only to go wayward and then give it up. This usually happens because something taken half-seriously can be given up more easily.
Be open to your colleagues, friends and family about your "contract" with yourself. You will find their interest and encouragement valuable sources of motivation.
2. Have a realistic goal
Determine a realistic amount of weight to lose and a reasonable timeframe within which to do it. The start and end-dates must be firm and are to be strictly adhered to once fixed. Again, if physical fitness programs are new to you, or if you've never really followed one before, get assistance with this step. It is critical to have a "doable" goal which you can realistically achieve, given your own particular physical condition. For example, it would be essential for an overweight middle-aged male, who has never previously engaged in any sport or physical exercise, to have a carefully planned target weight and timeframe as part of his program.
And one should not forget that a medical check up is cardinal before commencing any type of fitness program. Remember also to work with your individual body (or somato ) type and physical condition when setting your goals.
3. Create the right balance
Earlier on I spoke about science. Weight loss has been turned into an unnecessarily complex activity, when in fact it requires little more than creating a negative calorie balance. This means simply that for weight loss to occur, one needs to burn more calories than those being ingested. This can be done by regulating the intake of food, or by boosting levels of physical activity. The best way of course is to do both simultaneously.
A word of caution here - many individuals believe that by exercising, they have permission to continue eating whatever - or worse, that they have the leeway to consume more. Do not get carried away. On the other hand, it does not mean sacrificing "enjoyable living." A healthy eating plan complemented by regular exercise will do wonders for steady, long-term weight loss, and make provision for some occasional cheating or eating out without unduly affecting one's overall fitness goals.
4. Turn your body into a more efficient fat-burning machine
If you thought healthy eating and a workout program where the only means to burn fat and keep it off, then there's good news for you.
There are several excellent by-products derived from proper nutrition and regular exercise. Besides the inherent health benefit potential, the knock-on effects of proper nutrition and regular exercise will enable one to accelerate and optimize weight loss simply by virtue of the cardiovascular and metabolic changes in the body. Regular exercise conditions and strengthens the heart and lungs. The efficiency gained from this contributes towards total physical fitness.
The body fat and muscle ratio is also positively influenced, which in turn naturally boosts the metabolism, leading to higher calorie expenditure even when not exercising.
5. Inform yourself about the nutrition plan to support a weight loss program
Knowing which meals to eat, in what proportion, and when to eat them, are the cornerstones of an effective eating plan.
In an overall sense, one needs to eat according to a ratio of approximately 3-2-1, where carbohydrates, proteins and healthy fats are concerned. Naturally, the topic of healthy nutrition is a massive subject and cannot be adequately addressed here. This is why anyone interested in being successful with losing weight, should make it their business to know how to approach their respective eating plan. Also worthy to consider are the significant differences in structure, quality and calorie content of foods. For example, not all carbs or fats are created equal. Some will be perfectly permissible in conjunction with a healthy nutrition plan while others may be simply unhealthy.
Knowing how to work with the individual differences of foods will have a profound effect on the outcome of any weight management program.
Many best-sellers or new up-and-coming celebrities punt the latest and greatest in weight loss plans and gimmicks, and people seem to continue falling for these "latest crazes." It's fairly easy to see why. We are totally spoilt for choice, as each year brings tons more "latest" and "greatest" books, videos and gadgets.
Be that as it may, remember that there are no secrets or shortcuts to healthy, sensible and permanent weight loss or shaping-up. The only way is via a commonsense and disciplined effort to consistently follow a workout program through to completion along with an eating plan that hinges on two major components: calories ingested versus lifestyle and physical activity.
Also, keep in mind that diets do not offer permanent solutions. Once an individual has reached his or her intended target weight and returns to prior habits, he or she will gain the weight back. Remember that short-term weight loss is easily reversible. The best and most sensible way is to adopt physical activity and healthy eating as a permanent way-of-life, thereby maintaining a desired condition for good. Once you are following a program, you will easily see what works best for you and how to make adjustments.
Health and Fitness is without doubt one of the most abused industries around the globe, and we should be wary of quick-fix solutions - even if our hard-earned money is promised back.
By being knowledgeable about weight loss, you can responsibly choose feasible outcomes within realistic timeframes.
Best of luck!
Cleto Tirabassi is a certified Fitness Trainer with the International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA).
His work centers on the "sensible approach" to Health-Related Fitness, which entails the use of practical, flexible and sustainable methods to achieve optimal levels of health and physical fitness.
His clientele belongs mostly to the group he calls "average everyday people", who in short want to be in excellent shape, yet still lead a conventional life.
Based in Rome, Italy - he is dedicated to guiding the individuals he works with to realize their health and fitness goals. He also understands that the health and fitness industry is constantly evolving and therefore maintains a close watch on trends in his field of expertise.
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Important Tips On Working Out To Lose Weight And Build Muscle By Scott Volker

This is another question that gets asked a lot and can have a huge impact on your results when trying to lose weight and gain muscle.
The answer is going to come down to what you are trying to achieve. If you are trying to lose weight, you need to take a different approach than if you were trying to build muscle.
Now, I'm not saying you can't do both when working out. But, most people that are looking to build muscle are trying to gain size and I'll talk about this in a little bit.
How Much Should I Work Out To Lose Weight
When trying to burn fat you will want to do more of a cardio type workout. This could be a specific program that gets your heart rate up for most of the workout. This can also be done by doing a steady run on a treadmill or elliptical machine. You want to do some exercise that gets your heart rate up and helping to speed up your metabolism.
When doing cardio, you can pretty much do this 6 days per week. Give yourself 1 day off per week to rest and recover. Your muscles for the most part are not being totally ripped as if you were lifting weights. These workouts should last for at least 40 to 60 minutes depending on your fitness goals.
How Much Should I Work Out To Build Muscle?
This is probably another mistake lots of people are making and I totally see why. Everyone thinks the more I workout, the bigger and stronger I will get.
When lifting weights at any level, whether trying to add muscle mass or just tone up a little...our body needs rest to recover. If you never give your muscles time to repair...they will never have the chance to get stronger and add muscle.
Now, everyone recovers differently, but I personally like to follow the same format as in popular workout programs. You basically start out with weight training 3 days per week. (Monday-Wed-Friday) Then the days in between are for light cardio type routines and yoga. This way you are allowing the muscles to repair fully before ripping them again.
I know as humans we want results FAST! But...I've learned that working out is a lot like running a marathon. You need to run Slow and Steady and you will reach the finish line.
Remember...listen to your body. If your lifting weights and your muscles are still very sore, you probably need another days rest to fully recover that muscle group.
I hope this post has helped you realize that there's not a one size fits all answer. And sometimes following a fitness program created allows you to take the guess work out and stick to a plan.
Listen To Your Body
Lastly...Don't think about it that much. Start or continue to workout and listen to your body for the answers.
As always...leave us a comment below and let us know your thoughts.
Check out some tips to Get Ripped For Summer that you can easily follow. For more fitness and nutrition tips visit The You Get Ripped Blog for all the latest posts and videos.
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Saturday 26 January 2013

Why Your Last Diet Failed - Cut the Cord on Yo-Yo Dieting By Lianda Ludwig

For many people, losing weight isn't a big problem. They simply cut out all the "fattening" foods that they are eating and drinking. Unfortunately, those are probably the foods that you love the most.
But a frustrating thing happens to 95% of all people who diet. They gain the weight back, PLUS additional punishment pounds within a few months to a couple of years! Yes, all that deprivation, working out, starvation, only to gain the weight back. The worst part is, you actually gain back additional weight over where you started.
This process has been called Yo-Yo dieting. You go down, you go up. The diet industry blames the dieter for not staying on that miserable tasteless diet for the rest of their lives, and says that's the reason why the dieter failed, and the weight was regained! The poor dieter, who only went on the diet because of feeling lousy about themselves in the first place, is all too willing to feel guilty, and take the blame on themselves INSTEAD of the fact that diets don't work.
And yes, the Diet Industry wants you to think that in order to lose weight, you are expected to give up your favorite foods and deprive yourself and exercise like a farm animal for the rest of your life. But the truth is, the reason your weight is regained is NOT the dieter's fault. The reason you probably gained the weight is because you dieted in the first place!
Diet Myth-information
The bigger the lie, the more likely it is to be believed. And that's true for the "Common Wisdom" about dieting. Diet myth-information has been repeated so many times, that people take it for being the truth without questioning it. The statement that all you have to do to lose weight is "eat less and exercise more" actually the worst thing you can do if you want to lose weight!
But you are probably ready to stop reading right now because you believe this common wisdom that has brainwashed you! In fact, so many dieters believe it that despite diet failure time and again, they are more likely to blame themselves than the fact that the DIET is at fault! That's right: It's not your fault that you gained the weight back. It was your body's NORMAL, healthy reaction to being deprived of food!
The Definition of Insanity: When you do the same thing over and over again and expect different results.
So why is it that dieters continue try the same approach to weight loss time after time? They get the same results every time: losing weight to begin, and then regaining it shortly thereafter.
All the diet plans, especially lose weight fast, Fad diets, celebrity diets, diet pills, diet supplements, exercise regimes and even surgery has not been able to help more than 5% of the dieting population to keep the weight off!
Your body has a natural set point that is inherited, just like your other physical characteristics. If you eat "normally" by not using "comfort food" like a drug when you are stressed, your weight will stay within a 2-3 pound range by itself. In fact, it's a very sophisticated system, like a thermostat. If you eat fewer calories, your body automatically slows down your metabolism, and makes you feel lethargic. If you exercise too much, it makes you extra hungry and makes you crave carbs! This is a healthy body's reaction to eat less and exercise more! Furthermore, dieting puts your body into a stressful state which changes your physiology and makes losing weight almost impossible! I call it a "waist of dieting", because stress puts on belly fat!
How To Lose Weight and Keep It Off
So how can you lose weight if cutting calories will just slow down your metabolism? It sounds like it would be hopeless. The way it to eat more good foods, and cut down and eat the ones that are not good for you less.
Unfortunately, people have been brainwashed by the myth-information about eating "heart healthy" low fat food. The truth is: Heart disease has gone UP since people switched to vegetable oils (soy, canola, corn, margarine) that were recommended by the USDA in the food pyramid. Good fats actually make you feel full longer, and are necessary to lose weight, and for your overall health! What are good fats? BUTTER, Coconut, Palm, Olive oil... and animal fats: Praise the Lard! But with the priviso: the animal fat must be from animals that were raised humanely and lived free range and didn't eat bad foods such as GM foods and High Fructose Corn Syrup!
The number one important thing to lose weight is to lose the stress. It's not just what you are eating, it's what's eating you! Food will not provide comfort, and if over-eaten, especially when you are not hungry, will just make you feel worse about yourself after you stop eating!
Nurture yourself with good food. And that means having an occasional treat! Eat mindfully, paying attention to enjoying and experiencing your food. You'll notice when you are full, and stop eating. Essentially, eat like a two - year old. Eat what you want, when you are hungry, and stop when you're full. But please don't smush the food all over your face like a two year old, it's very unattractive!
Seriously, enjoy your life, and your weight will adjust! 80% of overweight is due to emotional eating. So stop stressing and blaming yourself for your diet not working. Focus your life on being happy, and watch your weight adjust almost by magic: without dieting!
Best selling author, and Coach-sultant, Lianda Ludwig, M.S. works with overwhelmed, stressed out, frustrated dieters who have lost weight and regained it time and again.
Discover how to break the addiction to dieting and fighting your body and nature! Losing weight is not just about what you eat; it's about what's eating you.
Her Mentabolism Make-over™ Intensive Programs create a successful mindset to eliminate cravings, stop the deprived feeling of a dieter and vanquish the stress, so you can lose weight, and keep it off without naturally, without ever dieting again.

Get her free report: 5 Dirty Secrets the Diet Industry Doesn't Want You To Know.
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Wednesday 23 January 2013

Healthy Weight Loss Review - Do You Know The Facts On Fast And Healthy Weight Loss? By Brenda Hess

In today's "microwave society" people want their weight loss to be as quick as possible. It may have taken you years to put on the weight but you certainly don't want to take equal time to take the weight off. Once you make that diet commitment, how fast you lose weight will depend on a some different factors. Your quest for losing weight healthy should come before your desire to take it off quickly. Let's take a look at some healthy weight loss facts:
1. Healthy Weight Loss - Are You Getting Enough Calories?
The average person needs a certain number of calories to keep their brain and body functioning. The general diet guidelines are to shoot for 1200 calories for women and 1500 calories for men for healthy weight loss. Anything below that and you will be sabotaging yourself. How much weight loss will that give you? If you are only a little overweight and as a man and are used to having 1700 calories per day then you will only have a deficit of 200 calories per day. With that, you can only expect to lose about 1 pound a week. However,if you are severely overweight and your body is used to eating 3000+ calories in a day you will see your weight melt off fairly rapidly at first. If you add in exercise you can get even better results.
2. Healthy Weight Loss - Are You Eating The Right Type Of Foods?
We have discussed that you need to regulate your calories to lose weight but are all calories created equal? Some diet experts will say that a calorie is a calorie so as long as you are getting the prescribed amount you will lose weight. That is true to some degree but just because you are losing weight doesn't mean that you are getting healthier. Our body, including various organs and our brain, require certain nutritional components to work at optimum function. You need a balanced diet of carbs, protein and fat to give you all the vitamins and minerals your body needs to be healthy. If you are sluggish because you have chosen the wrong foods to eat you will not have the energy to be as active and you will not see the healthy weight loss you could if you had better nutrition.
3. Healthy Weight Loss - Is Alcohol an Option?
The answer to this question would depend on how fast you want to lose weight and how healthy you want to be while losing that weight. Let's first look at calories. Drinks containing alcohol have a wide variety of calorie counts. You can get a beer that has 55 calories or you can get a Long Island Iced Tea that has 780 calories. The reality about calories and healthy weight loss tells you that if you drink the latter you wont be able to eat much of anything throughout the day and still lose weight. That would only give you a few hundred calories to get in the carbs and protein you need to survive. So, the better option if you don't want to give up alcohol, is to choose something with fewer calories that fits into you calorie reduction. Just know that it takes your liver to process the alcohol. It also takes your liver to burn fat. If your liver is busy with eating the alcohol it can't work on your bulge.
In closing, your commitment to losing weight will certainly go smoother if you choose to do it responsibly. You must find the balance between fast and healthy that will lead to successful healthy weight loss results for you. Your success is determined by how much commitment you have to transforming your body. This isn't always an easy mental task so I suggest that if you aren't comfortable doing it alone you find a good support system to encourage and motivate you along the way so you have successful healthy weight loss.
Brenda Hess has dedicated years of her life into the research and implementation of weight loss plans with varying aspects of diet and exercise. She has been scientifically obese, has completed multiple marathons, and has been everywhere between. To find out what her years of research has shown go go here
Weight loss is a personal journey that can get you great rewards. If you are ready for your journey click here to get your free Weight Loss Review.
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Monday 21 January 2013

Gluten-Free Weight Loss - Have You Been Missing Out On A Gold Mine? By Brenda Hess

In the past, only people diagnosed with celiac disease or gluten intolerance stuck with the gluten-free lifestyle. Now, people are flocking to this dietary change for a variety of reasons. If you have been thinking of going on a gluten-free diet you probably wonder what that is going to do for your weight loss goals. Is this going to give you the jump you need or will this be one more stumbling block in the diet failure path you have been walking? Keep reading for some great information about how you can reach your goals with gluten-free weight loss. It isn't as hard as you think.
What is it?
Gluten in simple terms is the protein that comes from wheat, rye and barley. These are typically the main ingredient in crackers, pasta, bread and other foods commonly thought of as high in carbohydrates. If you don't tolerate gluten very well it causes your body to not absorb the nutrients in the foods you are eating. This can either cause you to lose or gain weight depending on your digestive system. Since you are reading this article, I am assuming that your body holds onto the fat in the food you are eating to compensate for the lack of nutrients and you have been putting on the pounds. Especially if you have been consuming too many carbohydrates, gluten-free weight loss might be the answer you have been looking for.
Why does gluten-free weight loss work?
Since most of the foods commonly associated with gluten are high in carbohydrates, getting rid of this food group can help you shed the pounds. Carbohydrates play a big roll in weight gain. Fist off, they are dense in calories. Too many calories always equal too much weight. The other effect of this type of carbohydrate is that since it is a high-glycemic food it has a tendency to take your blood sugar levels on a roller coaster ride. This fluctuation is the leading cause of carb cravings which leads to unnecessary calorie intake. When you are striving for gluten-free weight loss your food choices make your blood sugars rise slowly so that the insulin can do its job and your body can burn fat efficiently. The key to gluten-free weight loss is low-calorie, high-nutrient diet that keeps your blood sugars and hunger in check.
What do you do now?
Although gluten-free weight loss might be a bit more complicated than your average weight loss plan it doesn't have to be. You need to educate yourself on the different names for gluten (including wheat, rye, barley and malt) and check labels before buying food. Although you know you have to stay away from bread and pasta you will be surprised to find that gluten can also be found in things such as lunch meat, candy and even some dressings and dips. Luckily, many of these hidden gluten foods have a different brand that is gluten-free. After a few trips to the store reading labels you will get used to what you can have and what you should avoid. There are also a variety of books and online recipes that cater to gluten-free weight loss.
Gluten-free weight loss is not only possible but it might just be what your body needs to feel its best. Just one word of caution: You have to remember that you are still striving to lose weight. Gluten-free doesn't mean low-calorie by any means. Most grocery stores now have a large section of gluten-free foods ranging from pasta to brownies. If you eat a pan of brownies, with or without gluten, it might just show up on your hips tomorrow.
Brenda Hess has dedicated years of her life into the research and implementation of weight loss plans with varying aspects of diet and exercise. She has been clinically obese, has completed multiple marathons, and has been everywhere between. To find out what her years of research has shown go here.
Weight loss is a personal journey that can get you great rewards. If you are ready for your journey click here to get your FREE Weight Loss Review.
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Saturday 19 January 2013

Weight Loss Help - Where Can You Turn To? By Brenda Hess

If you are overweight and looking to lose some pounds you might be considering what the best approach to this problem is. There are many different ways you can go about losing weight. Let's take a look at some methods of weight loss and break them into groups of best, worst, and most likely to succeed categories.
Best Solution
Wouldn't it be great if Bob or Jillian from the Biggest Loser could come live with you? That would be some great weight loss help and a guarantee at success. Since we know that is not going to happen we can look at the next best thing. The most ideal situation would be to hire yourself a personal trainer and nutritionist. You would have someone planning out your every calorie and someone else in the gym making sure you get a good workout. If you have the money to do that and live in a city where there are personal trainers and gyms this might very well be a good thing for you to look into. You will receive personalized attention which is the kind of weight loss help many people need. If you don't have that option available to you, continue reading to find some other options.
Worst Solutions
Do a google search on the internet for diet pills and you will find a whole truck load of natural and synthetic junk that is labeled as weight loss help. Diet pills are not a long term solution. In fact, they usually aren't even a good short term solution. Occasionally, you might find a supplement that works to lose a little bit of weight. However, it isn't addressing your eating habits so you wont lose a ton of weight and you will most likely gain it all back at an alarming rate as soon as you stop taking the pill. That doesn't sound like weight loss help at all.
Some of the pills on the market are actually dangerous for you. They have ingredients that make your heart race and you feel all revved up. That may sound like a good jolt for your metabolism but it truly isn't healthy for your body. There is no need to ever put your health at risk. Especially if the results aren't going to be permanent anyway.
Most Likely To Succeed
There are a handful of programs on the market that I would say are very qualified to be termed good weight loss help. It takes quite a bit of research to weed through all of the empty promises to find them but they are out there. A good weight loss program will be one that is nutritionally sound. You have to be getting all the vitamins and nutrients your body needs without starving yourself. A good program also has weight loss help in the form of other people to support you along the way. This isn't about products but about a program that you can stick to. It needs to address your eating and exercise habits while allowing you to enjoy some treats and not have to be a work-out addict.
The single most important thing when looking for weight loss help is to look inside of yourself. Any legitimate program takes determination and commitment on your part. If you are serious about and committed to losing weight you can do it. Find a good support system and take it one day at a time. Don't put it of until after the weekend or say you will start tomorrow. You deserve to have a healthy body.
Brenda Hess is a successful teacher and coach. She has dedicated years of her life to the research and implementation of weight loss plans with varying aspects of diet and exercise. She has been scientifically obese, has completed multiple marathons, and has been everywhere between. She has spent the money and time to find what works and what will disappoint you. 
Weight loss is a personal journey that can get you great rewards. If you are ready for your journey , get your FreeWeightLoss ReFview.  I would love nothing more than to help you change your life and reach your goal.
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Tuesday 15 January 2013

Gluten Intolerance and Weight Gain - Simple Tips For Easy Weight Loss By Claire Danielle Barratt

Have you recently become Gluten Intolerant? Are you struggling with your weight? I know from experience, how hard it can be to find a weight loss program which is built for people who have Celiac Disease. Let me show you some simple ways to get rid of those extra pounds, safely and easily.
One of the strange facts about having a Gluten Free Diet, is that 99% of people will have mainly dramatic weight loss, and not weight gain. In most cases a rapid decline in weight is an indicator of having a Gluten problem.
Gluten Intolerance and Weight Gain. So whats happening to your body?
I mentioned above that 99% of people will lose weight, but a small percentage will gain weight, and there is a simple reason. I will try to explain this simply. When your body does not have an intake of Gluten, your body may react in a way that means you will have an insatiable appetite, as your body tries to adjust, and take in what it's missing. A problem will then occur when your body cannot absorb or fully use that extra food, and hence you gain weight.
I must explain that people who are trying to lose weight by using a Gluten Free Diet will have to take precautions. Counterpart foods free from Gluten contain less vitamins, protein and fibre. It is a good idea to either take vitamin supplements, or extra foods which may contain these extra minerals and nutrients you might be missing out on.
So what can be done? How can I make my body lose weight?
The first step is to find out which foods are making you pile on the pounds. A simple reason is using Gluten Free flours and other products such as yeast substitute. These products may be good for a while, but over a short period, they could actually make you put on weight.
I know its easy for me to say many of these things, but I have family experience of this problem. A close family member was diagnosed with Celiac Disease, and after many months of battling weight, it was finally got under control with some simple diet changes. If you are having problems with weight gain, trying some simple diet changes can make a big difference, and it's not always the foods you think, that might be making you gain weight.
The second step that is quite easy to do, is not always choose the easy free foods. Having a healthy refrigerator and cupboard is a key to any weight loss program. In modern times, we have become very dependent on fast, easy foods, and the same can be said for Gluten Free products. The market is slowly becoming bigger, and its your choice to choose the low fat options, or even self made if possible.
We have looked at Gluten Intolerance and Weight Gain, and how making a few simple changes can be beneficial to your diet and body mass. What you need now is something to take it to the next level, and I have just the thing.
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Wednesday 9 January 2013

Natural Weight Loss Programs Are Effective Diets to Help Lose Weight By Dion Jones

Natural weight loss programs involve diets to help lose weight by creating a healthy alternative to synthetic diet means. Choosing a diet program that is all natural and effective can be difficult and many dieters want to give up before they begin. Weight gain has many factors playing a part in why we have become overweight. Narrowing on some simple strategies to start with successful natural weight loss programs and effectively gain a lean body depends on how well each body copes with the demands you put forth.
Since obesity bears many health risk, every person who wants healthy diets to lose weight is on a mission to find the fastest and the easiest road on how to lose those pounds with natural weight loss programs. If you scan the market today, you will find dozens of supplements, pills, beverages and alternate meals that are synthetic. These synthetic diets promise results the fastest time.
Do these remedies really work? The reply is yes, some of them do. The more pertinent question should be, "Are they actually safe to use?" This time, the answer is questionable. Synthetic diets contain man made chemicals that either have risky side effects or worse, may be fatal if taken in huge amounts. The debatable synthetic ingredients, quality, and major side effects of those artificial chemicals are in all likelihood the reasons most of the people are searching natural weight loss programs.
If you are among those who want to lose weight naturally, here are some leads to help you lose weight without ever choosing any artificial diet programs.
Before starting any diet you should consult your doctor and inform them of your intended goals and weight loss plans that you want to achieve. Ask them for points on how to lose weight naturally and properly. This measure is very significant as this clears your plans or future actions by your health care provider that may hinder any future problems with your natural weight loss programs.
Start by making a health journal. Listing foods that you eat, how much you eat, amount of calories, and how often you eat. This journal will help you become more self-aware of all the unneeded calories that you put in your body. This journal can help you determine your unhealthy eating habits and what points need the most attention. Analyze your health journal, try to eradicate the foods or snacks that brought about calories with in your day. Based on this information, try to come up with a sensible and sound meal plan that would work for you.
Plan your meals and become selective of the food you eat. Blend in more green vegetables and less with high-fat foods. Colored greens are not just beneficial health wise, in addition, provide a good source of fibers that are essential for detoxification. Natural weight loss programs perhaps may be tough, particularly if impartial to vegetables and fruits. Therefore, the key here is to cook them the way you want that suits your taste. One of the best motivation factors is to involve family and friends to give that extra support.
A different way on how to lose weight naturally is by regular exercise. Working out is one of the fastest and affordable means to shed off that fat. Regular exercise aids the body to increase its metabolic rate and in turn burn those calories at a faster rate.
Natural weight loss programs is an effort to melt off that excess body fat. Permanent fat loss is a process of education. You will develop a deeper motivation to lose excess body weight if you understand some basic principles in body physiology, fat metabolic process, regular exercise, keeping a food diary, and accurate healthy nutrition.
Dion brings good strategies to the table for healthy weight loss solutions. Discover more articles and how to Natural Weight Loss Programs with proven results that will help you become educated in the area of weight loss. If you have been struggling with weight issues and don't know where to turn, we can help. Our site gives people the tools and resources to lose the extra pounds and finally achieve the body shape and size they've dreamed of and gives people information and explanation over why these are the methods being adopted by the programs used today. Give us a visit at
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Monday 7 January 2013

Choosing The Right Meal Plans For Weight Loss By Matt Menden

Embarking on your fitness journey begins with choosing the right meal plans for weight loss. Changing your diet is key so that you can consume less calories than you are burning in order to lose weight. It is best to get a diet plan that will provide you with all the nutrients that you need so that you do not suffer from malnutrition or endanger your health.
Choosing the right meal plans for weight loss will determine if you are successful in losing weight and keeping it off. It is important to choose a plan that is sustainable long term. This will mean that your lifestyle will have to change permanently. Choose a plan that will fit into your lifestyle without overstraining you so that you can be able to maintain it. For example if you are required to eat plenty of fresh and raw produce and you do not have fresh market near you, you may have to go for a meal plan that offers alternatives so that you are able to keep to the plan. You should also choose a plan that you can be able to maintain. If you love sweet treats and sugary snacks it is best to go for a meal plan that allows you these treats once in a while rather than one that totally bans these items. This is because if you do not get to eat the treats once in a while, you may binge on them which can set back your plans.
Another thing to consider when choosing the right meal plans is to choose a plan that only allows you to lose weight at a slow and steady pace. The reason for this is so that the weight loss is not too rapid which can result in health complications. Fast weight loss also leads to loss of water retained in the body and loss of muscle and as soon as you are off the meal plan, you rapidly regain the weight that you have lost and sometimes even more. The recommended weight loss per week is on average between one and two pounds. The plan you choose should also be able to have adequate calories.
Choosing the right meal plans for weight loss is important so that you learn what foods are important and how to eat moderately and healthily. This is so that you can make long term changes to your eating habits which will result in long term weight loss. You also need to pick a meal plan with foods that are appealing to you and that you like so you can maintain the right eating habits.
When choosing the right meal plans for weight loss consider also the cost and the availability of the foods and ingredients that are contained in the eating plan so that if many of the foods are not easily available or you cannot afford them long term, you can choose an alternative plan.
To be successful in your weight loss goals requires a plan. For more information on meal plans for weight loss please visit Fat Loss Cure Review
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Sunday 6 January 2013

The Importance of Staying Hydrated By M. Dwyer

Hydration is important, regardless; but when you change your diet and exercise regiment, it becomes essential to maintain. Your body is seventy percent water, and it is critical that this ratio be maintained so that the body functions properly. Increased exercise and weight loss diets can cause a body to lose water quickly.
Water loss
Your body loses water every day through natural processes: breathing, urination and sweating. Replacing water lost keeps all the organs functioning properly. If the water lost during the day is not replaced, the body can become weak, stressed and dehydrated. A hydrated body can maintain metabolism, helping you reach your weight loss goals.
When you increase your exercise, you will lose water through your sweating, and that needs to be replaced. A body can lose about 32 ounces of water during 60 minutes of exercise. This amount will increase depending on how vigorous the exercise is and the current temperature (e.g. the body will lose more water during summer months than in winter).
Staying Hydrated
To stay hydrated, drink water and plenty of it. The normal body requires eight eight-ounce glasses a day (roughly two liters of water). Avoid alcohol and caffeine. Both products dehydrate the body, affecting metabolism and causing the body to grow sluggish. Also, alcohol and caffeinated drinks have empty calories which can sabotage a weight loss diet.
Ideally, to avoid dehydration, you should drink one to two glasses of water at least fifteen minutes before exercising, no more than a glass of water every twenty minutes, and at least sixteen ounces of water for every pound lost afterwards. Typically, a person will lose about two to three pounds after an hour of exercise.
Keeping hydrated is not only healthy, but it can help you lose weight as well. For the body to properly function, it needs to maintain its water levels, but it also aids in metabolism by keeping all the organs functioning normally. If the internal organs grew sluggish from lack of hydration, metabolism will slow, which will defeat the purpose of you weight loss diet and exercise program. Keeping hydrated allows the body to metabolize food quickly, which will help you lose weight.
Also, water is a natural appetite suppressant. Often people will mistake thirst for hunger and will reach for munchies instead of a glass of water. The next time you feel hungry, try drinking a glass of water instead and see if it is just your body telling you it needs hydration.
Every diet should include ample amounts of water. Its natural health benefits aid in any weight loss diet and exercise program. However, for those times when diet and exercise just aren't enough to lose those last few pounds, a natural weight loss supplement can help you reach your goals.
M. Dwyer is the founder of Healthe Trim, a natural weight loss supplement clinically shown to promote weight loss. Healthe Trim combines natural ingredients such as Hoodia gordonii and green tea leaf extract in order to reduce food cravings and boost energy naturally. Learn more about Healthe Trim's natural weight loss supplement at
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Thursday 3 January 2013

How to Be Healthy While Dining at a Restaurant By Jacob A Parksons

There are many different restaurants serving unique specialties. If you recently find yourself conscious about the foods you eat, and are afraid that eating at a restaurant might make you fat or unhealthy, here is a guide that will help keep yourself healthy while dining at your favorite, or at a new, restaurant.
Basically, what you will have to do is to choose only those recipes that contain ingredients with high nutritional value. Or, at least have one order that contains negative calorie to keep the calorie count from increasing to an undesired level. So, what ingredients are they?
To start with, Zucchini contains vitamins and minerals your body needs every day, including vitamins A, C and K, manganese, potassium, magnesium and folate - a vitamin that helps the blood work more efficiently, best taken by expecting women to help prevent neural tube defects in the fetus. Beyond that, Zucchini is low in calories, cholesterol, saturated fat and sodium, making it a versatile vegetable ideal for individuals looking for ways to be fat-free and healthy.
This green is probably one of the overlooked vegetables. However, its nutritional value is recommended to anyone looking for ways to fight several diseases. Its 13C, or indole-3-cabinol, and Photonutrient Sulforaphane contents are two main ingredients that help the body counter more than a few illnesses. Its Folate content is recommended for anemia patients. And consuming three florets of cauliflower each day will offer you about 2/3 of your daily vitamin C requirement.
There are at least 87 varieties of this perfect-for-salad vegetable. It aids digestion, promotes liver health, protects you against heart disease, cataracts and stroke. What's even great about lettuce is that it is one of the low-calorie vegetables, which means for every 100 g of fresh lettuce greens you only take 15 calories. This sought-after green is also rich in vitamins K, A and C.
When your mouth needs something to munch, cure it with this vegetable packed with nutrients. Cucumber is a good source of vitamins your body needs every day, including but are not limited to B vitamins, C, A, folic acid, zinc, calcium and iron. It is also an excellent source of silica - a trace mineral that supports the strength of the tissue that holds your body together.
If you want a guilt-free snack, you can find one with carrots. Instead of dealing with crackers and chips, consider this rich in water and fiber crunchy snack to enhance your digestive function while keeping you full longer between meals, not to mention for every cup of chopped carrots you get 52 calories with no fat. This root vegetable also comes packed with vitamins K and C, pro-vitamin A, magnesium and B vitamins.
This crunchy, low-calorie vegetable is not just a good alternative to brownies and cookies, but it does serve as a key part of your health support. It contains a dozen other types of antioxidant nutrients, including lunularin, bergapten and psoralen, which can protect you against unwanted oxygen damage to your organ systems, vessels, blood and cells. This crispy snack is also a good source of vitamins B1, B2 and B6, calcium, potassium and folic acid.
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Tuesday 1 January 2013

How to Lose Weight Fast and Stay Healthy By Adrianna Noton

How to lose weight fast is a question that most people want an answer to at one point or another. Whether it is for a vacation, a special date, a wedding or a graduation, there are times when the weight has got to come off quickly. Many will lean toward a fad diet or program that promises to melt the pounds away when they need to lose weight fast. Most of these types of diets are difficult to follow due to severe calorie restriction, many induce boredom by forcing you to eat the same food over and over, and some are just plain unsafe. To learn how to lose weight fast and stay healthy, it makes sense to get back to the basics of weight loss.
Basically, all of the fads and trends create a situation where you are taking in fewer calories than you are burning off. Your body creates a calorie deficit and you end up losing weight. Generally, it takes about a 3500-calorie deficit for you to lose one pound of fat. If you create a 500-calorie daily deficit you'll lose around one to two pounds per week. This is what many experts recommend, and it isn't a bad rate, but it still won't get you where you want to be, when you want to get there. To find the answer to the "how to lose weight fast" question, you have to create a higher calorie deficit and get your metabolism moving to help you burn calories around the clock.
Diet and exercise are your primary weapons to help you lose weight fast and stay healthy while you do it. Building more lean muscle mass will help you to burn more calories even while you're at rest, so including resistance training in your weight loss routine is a good idea. You may not have tons of time to create new muscle, depending on your fast weight loss schedule, but including resistance movements will still provide a benefit.
Use bodyweight exercises like pull-ups and push-ups, lift free weights or use the machines at the gym. Compound exercises that work multiple muscle groups like squats, bench press and rows will help accelerate your muscle gains. Also include regular cardio sessions like running, swimming or cycling. To lose weight fast, you may want to add a few extra sessions per week to boost the calorie burn.
As for your diet, if you really want to lose weight fast you'll have to remove all fast foods, junk food and processed food from your daily eating plan. Focus on lean meats, whole grains and green vegetables to keep the caloric intake down. Vegetables are high in fiber, which is filling, but low in calories which enables you to eat a higher volume of food without the consequence. Also, keep in mind that little things add up to big results, so avoid that extra piece of bread or high fat condiments like mayonnaise. Keeping focused on your end goal will help you avoid temptation and lose the weight.
Find a healthier way to lose weight fast without starving yourself. Trust our weight loss experts and shed those extra pounds naturally.
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