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Thursday 25 April 2013

Coconut Oil for Health and Wellness By Mechelle Bryan

Coconut oil was not always considered to be the nutritious, healing ingredient that it is today. Ten years ago this amazing oil was considered to be taboo by nutrition and health experts in the United States. Thankfully, this has changed due to research and the growing body of information that we now have today. Coconut oil is derived from the nutty, edible flesh of the coconut. It differs greatly from other oils because of its saturated fat content. It is very high in saturated fat compared to other oils like safflower and sunflower oil. Coconut oil also differs from other oils because of its medium-chain triglyceride composition (MCT). Other oils usually consist of long-chain triglycerides (LCT) in their composition. Over 90% of the fat contained in coconut oil is saturated. How can an oil with an exceptionally high amount of fat be good for any one?
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Individuals interested in losing weight are usually told to stay clear of foods that are high in saturated fat. Though it has recently become popular in the United States, coconut oil has long been known for its numerous health benefits in the Caribbean and tropical islands. Some older Caribbean people have attested to receiving benefits from this oil at an early age due to its widespread availability in their place of habitation.
In the 1970s, scientists in the Pacific Islands completed studies that focused on the health benefits of coconuts. Pacific Islanders who consumed coconuts in their diet were examined for a long duration of time. Researchers found that these islanders were in excellent health despite of the fact that their diets were high in saturated fat. They were not obese nor did they have any traces of heart disease, kidney disease or digestive problems. The research studies that were completed also proved that the islanders' high fat diets did not have any effect on their cholesterol levels.
The medium-chain triglycerides in coconut oil are used by the body for energy and are not stored as fat. This is essentially what makes this oil such a nutritional powerhouse. Since these medium-chain triglycerides are turned into energy by the body, coconut oil can also be used as a great weight loss tool. One particular study confirmed the oil's ability to speed up the metabolism. Medium-chain triglycerides are beneficial for health because they help to lower the risk of atherosclerosis, heart disease and diabetes.
Most recently, coconuts have been touted for its ability to improve various diseases and ailments that affect the body. Coconut oil contains potent antibacterial properties. It contains lauric acid which turns into monolaurin once it is metabolized by the body. Monolaurin has been proven to be effective in fighting and destroying bacteria and viruses. Monolaurin's antibacterial properties help to boost the immune system and can prove to be effective in fighting ailments such as the common cold, flu, and pneumonia. Individuals living with Alzheimer's disease have even gone so far as to express improved brain function as a result of supplementing their diet with this oil.
Not only does coconut oil boast many health benefits; it also adds a nice flavor to foods that are cooked with it. This oil can handle high heat temperatures without changing its chemical composition. This means that coconut oil will not release toxic and harmful chemicals when heated at elevated temperatures. This oil is an excellent moisturizer and can be added to skin conditioners and hair treatments. Unlike other oils, coconut oil also acts as a natural sunscreen agent, protecting the skin against 20 percent of UV rays. The uses for coconut oil are endless and extensive. It is a powerful supplement that would make a great addition to any diet.
Mechelle Bryan is Natural Health advocate who is devoted to encouraging and enriching others with the knowledge that they need to know to live healthy and productive lives.
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Sunday 21 April 2013

5 Rules To Keeping Slim On Vacation By Tanja M Shaw

5 Rules To Keeping Slim On Vacation By Tanja M Shaw
As I write this article, I am enjoying a cup of coffee on the patio of my home for the last 10 days: a vacation condo in Kauai, overlooking the ocean. Like most people, I love going away on vacations. Whether it's relaxing at a beach, visiting relatives, backpacking across a foreign country, or camping in the interior, vacations are a welcomed break from regular routine. You may be wondering, however, whether a break will derail your diet plan or undo all your hard work at the gym. With a bit of planning, you don't have to choose between staying slim and enjoying your holidays; you can have it all. Follow these five simple rules to enjoy your vacation and stay in great shape.
1. Remember your 'WHY'.
Before I get into the details about keeping fit on vacation, remind yourself WHY you want to keep in shape. Do your exercises each day because you want to take good care of yourself, and you want to be energized for the rest of the day. Eat well because you want to fuel your body with life giving, nourishing foods. Take care of yourself because you are worth it.
2. Devote 30 minutes a day to exercise at least 5 days a week.
30 minutes is just over 3% of the 16 waking hours of your day. It's a small part of your day, but the return on your investment is big. Go for a brisk walk or run to explore the local streets (if safe), or do an equipment-free workout at the beach or in your hotel room. Simple body weight exercises include push-ups, squats, planks, lunges, and hip bridges. If you're up for a more intense workout, include plyometric exercises such as squat jumps and Burpees. At the end of this article I have included an equipment free workout that I did one morning in Kauai.
Commit to a workout plan before you leave so you can avoid making the 'should I workout, or should I skip it?' when on vacation. Remember that you workout because you love your body, you want to take good care of your body and you'll feel great for the rest of the day.
3. Eat like the locals.
Food is a part of experiencing the culture of your vacation destination; don't waste your calories by mindlessly snacking on a bag of Cheezies. Experience the cuisine of the area by shopping at fresh markets, trying the local produce and tasting the area's 'specialties' when dining out. Vacationing doesn't mean you should eat more than usual- feeling full and bloated is not a fun way to spend your holiday. Instead, listen to your hunger cues and be mindful of what you eat. Slow down at mealtime, and enjoy the local delicacies with gusto.
4. Mind your beverages.
If alcohol is a part of your vacation enjoyment, choose wisely. Fruity tropical drinks such as Mai Tais and Margaritas can add 300-600 calories to your daily intake; and that's if you limit yourself to one drink! Beer, wine or liquor with a low calorie mixer (such as vodka and soda water) are your slimmest options at 70-150 calories a drink.
5. Play like a child.
Children are naturals at playing and exploring- they rarely stop moving. Learn from the young folk to keep active during the day. The opportunities to 'play' on vacation are endless. You may play a round of golf, go snorkeling, or book a mountain bike tour. Simply swimming in the pool, walking to explore your new surroundings, or playing a game of Frisbee on the grass are fun ways to stay active.
By sticking to your workouts, and being mindful of what you eat, you can stay fit and slim while truly enjoying your vacation.
Tanja's Hawaiian Workout
10 minute warm up run (or power walk)
I set my interval timer for 40 seconds on, 10 seconds rest. I did each mini circuit 3 times.
Circuit 1:
1. Burpees (I attempted a burpee with a tuck jump but only lasted half a round- it was hot!)
2. In & Out + Push-up: In push up position, jump feet in toward hands, then jump feet back out to push up position. Perform one push-up and repeat.
3. Mountain climbers: In push up position, bring one knee toward chest. Jump and switch feet. Think 'floor sprints'.
Circuit 2:
1. Lunge Jumps: Get into lunge position. Jump to switch legs and repeat.
2. In & Outs: As above but with no push ups.
3. Bicycle crunches: the old fashioned ab- burner.
Circuit 3:
1. 3 squat jumps forward, sprint back to start (and repeat)
2. Side lunges with a shuffle: Alternating right and left side.
3. Travelling plank: Push-up position. Walk hands and feet to the right 3-4 steps, then travel to the left 3-4 steps. Repeat.
Tanja Shaw is the owner of Ascend Fitness Coaching, a private training studio. Tanja and her team of expert fitness professionals works to inspire and educate Chilliwack residents to make positive and power changes in their lives through physical fitness and sound nutrition. For more fitness tips go to
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Relaxation Tips For Innovative Thinkers By Patrick L Dawson

One of the problems that many of us have is the fact that our thinking becomes muddled and although we feel that this is a natural process, there is often something behind it the can be corrected. When you are able to think clearly, you are not only able to troubleshoot problems effectively, you are actually able to get more done. You will find that your relationships are more in tune and you may even have ideas that are worthy of filling out a patent application. Here are some things that you can do which will help to clear your thinking and to help you to gain that faculty again.
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One important thing for you to consider when it comes to thinking is the type of food that you are eating. Although most people are going to talk about brain foods, I'm discussing foods that are better left off of your plate. When you eat foods that are bad for you or those that contain harmful chemicals and preservatives, your body is going to produce inflammation and mucus as a result. That mucus not only forms in your lungs and in your stomach, it forms in all areas of the body. The cells of your brain are also going to be surrounded by a layer of mucus and that will make it more difficult for them to fire properly. When you eat a clean diet that is healthy and plant-based, you will find that you are thinking much more clearly.
Another difficulty that can lead to muddled thinking is a lack of sleep. Some people are convinced of the fact that they can deal with just a few hours of sleep every night but the fact of the matter is, that is going to affect your thinking ability. Of course, there may be times when you are going to lose some sleep, such as if you are patenting an idea that has been running through your mind. Just make sure that you don't lose sleep on a consistent basis or your thinking is going to suffer as a result.
Your breathing is also something that is going to affect your ability to think. When most people talk about being healthy, they talk about staying hydrated or eating the right types of foods. Although those suggestions may have some bearing on your ability to think clearly, your breath has a more profound effect. Consider the fact that you are able to live without water for a few days and you can live without food for a month or more but when you take away your breath, you will die within a matter of minutes. Make sure that you are breathing deeply through the day and take the time to take in the oxygen that you need regularly.
These are just a few of the suggestions that can help you to begin thinking clearly again. When you put them into practice regularly, you will find that you are not only thinking clearly, your entire body is going to benefit as a result.
Patrick Dawson is the author of this article about relaxation tips for thinkers and patenting an idea. He is a journalist and a part-time college professor at his local community college. During his free time he loves to go fishing and hiking.
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Tuesday 16 April 2013

Health and Fitness : How A Healthy Diet Helps You Live Longer by Selva Sugunendran

Health and Fitness : How A Healthy Diet Helps You Live Longer   by Selva Sugunendran

The rise in the number of people developing disorders such as obesity, heart disease and other frightening health ailments is a very alarming trend. As our fast-paced lifestyles and fast-food mentality has made us overweight or stressed out, the question iwe need to ask ourselves is, "what is the best way for living a healthier and longer life?". Could a healthy and balanced diet spare you from such menacing health disorders, and actually allow you to live longer?

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Cultures That Lived On A Healthy Diet Are Known To Live Longer
While most people in the Western world continue to battle with fat-rich diets and stressed out lifestyles, it is good to know that some cultures and civilizations have actually succeeded in living longer lives. Take for example the Peruvian Indians, the Okinawans and some other tribe or indigenous group in Asia and Africa. These people lived off a plant-based diet, with little meat, or maybe fish and some wild game meat. They were also less exposed to pesticides, and did not use any hormones or antibiotics in growing their livestock. Many of the people living in these societies were recorded to have lived up to a hundred and twenty years old. These people all have one thing in common, and that is they all exercised regularly and ate a lot of plant food. These people were also known to have eaten herbs and other wild plants. They also drank a lot of water. They did not subsist on sodas or regular fatty fast-food diets.
A Low-Sodium Diet Helps
The American Health Association notes that a teaspoon of salt contains at least 2,300 milligrams of sodium. The association stresses that people should eat less than 2,300 mg of salt a day. Some health analysts contend that a typical restaurant meal may provide you with 1,500 to 2,000 mg of sodium, which is far than the AHA's recommended intake. Ensuring that you consume less than 2,300 mg of sodium a day can truly help in preserving your health, as well as in allowing you to live longer.
Drink Lots Of Water Too
Water is also a very important element when it comes to attaining a healthy lifestyle. Water cools the body, allows the organs and muscles to efficiently work, and improves the joints as well. Human beings are composed mostly of water, and because the water inside us tends to evaporate, we need to consume more of it each day. The average adult is recommended to have at least eight glasses of water each day, and there is enough scientific evidence to support the fact that drinking a good amount of clean water helps to improve oxygen levels in the body, as well as help to remove toxins and other waste products from your system.
Restricting Calorie Intake Helps You Live Longer
A lot of people in the United States and Canada, as well as in Europe and other developing nations, have now discovered the fact that eating a nutritious but scrimpy diet helps in living longer and healthier lives. A low calorie diet has been supported by a lot of scientific evidence to be effective in making you live longer and healthier. In a study done way back in 1935 by Cornell University, laboratory mice that were fed 30 percent less calories, were known to live longer by forty percent, as compared to the mice that ate as they pleased. Since then, a number of experiments have been conducted on worms, spiders and even yeast cells, and all offered the same results. Scientists stress that people who follow calorie-restricted diets are less likely to die from age-related illnesses such as stroke, heart disease and high blood pressure, and would have a better brain capacity for decision making and making controlled movements.
Lower Calorie Consumption Promotes Longevity
While it has been proven that a calorie-restricted diet does wonders when it comes to giving you a longer and healthier life, no one has actually figured out why decreased calorie intake and lower metabolic activity helps promote longevity. One study believes that partially starving the body drives it into a maintenance mode of sorts, where it concentrates on staying healthy, and preserves its cells. A calorie-restricted diet is known to reduce calorie levels by as much as 30 percent. For example, a person practicing calorie reduction will only eat about 1,800 calories a day, which is 900 calories lower than what the average person gets each day. A low-calorie diet typically consists of a breakfast that offers bananas, some berries and whole wheat bread, as well as low-fat milk shake. Lunch may consist of some fish, fresh garden salads, baked sweet potatoes and a lot of vegetables.
Selva Sugunendran has published a number of Books on Health Matters. Visit the following website to immediately download an extensively researched EBook on Multiple Health diseases including Obesity, High Blood Pressure, Cardiac Illness and Diabetes. It details the symptoms, treatments available, the interactions as well as the management and control of these diseases:

About the Author

Selva Sugunendran has published a number of Books on Health Matters. Visit the following website to immediately download an extensively researched EBook on Multiple Health diseases including Obesity, High Blood Pressure, Cardiac Illness and Diabetes. It details the symptoms, treatments available, the interactions as well as the management and control of these diseases:

Saturday 13 April 2013

Raspberry Ketone Diet - How It Works By Jessica Mayer

I have been asked to find some information on Raspberry Ketone Diet, I hope this helps! For many tips and lots more information, follow on

Raspberry Ketone Diet - How It Works

Raspberry Ketones are now the new weight loss sensation being proven to be the best option to consider taking up in order to lose more fats and burn more calories and yes; no exaggerations. This supplement works in astounding ways to achieve this. Its major function is increasing the rate at which fats are burnt in the body. This is done thanks to the natural enzyme that raspberry ketones contains giving it the ability to stimulate and practically push the body to start the fat burning process. Take note this only happens to the excess fat that is already stored in the body. By taking up raspberry diet, fat components in any foods that you consume are on the other hand repelled as it prevents the body from absorbing fat. Research on the product has shown that it further decreases the rate at which the body absorbs Carbohydrates because excess carbohydrates in the body are usually stored as fat. For this reasons it not only helps one to shed excess body weight but it also prevents one from adding on weight.
Raspberry Ketones in addition have an inimitable way of increasing the body's metabolism in a way no other supplement has displayed before. Its control over metabolism is based on the fact that it increases the body's temperature stimulating a higher rate of metabolism that sees to it that more calories are burnt. Secondly it increases metabolism by rapidly breaking down lipids into fatty acids that are later on used to produce energy. Thirdly raspberry ketones toll on metabolism has been found to result from its ability to stimulate the production of the body hormone called Adiponectin which 'tricks' one's body to behave as it would were the person thin. This means that your metabolism will be heightened to higher rates than it ought to be for the body no longer sees you as overweight.
The supplement is considered ideal even for old people as it contains antioxidants that are medically believed to cause relaxation of body vessels and generally maintain proper body function. By ensuring that the body works properly or at optimum, the individual under raspberry ketone diet ends up feeling energized and will often be more active than he is when not using the supplement. The antioxidants in this product also help reduce stress levels by relaxing body vessels.
Therefore when on another weight loss diet plan, it pays a lot to start using raspberry ketones alongside the other weight loss methods you are employing. The reason being raspberry ketones have a way of making one to develop feelings of fullness that takes away hunger and the extreme urge to eat that is especially very strong and tempting during the first stages of changing your feeding habits to the new diet plan when striving to lose weight. If managing your cravings is becoming difficult then raspberry ketones can quickly enable you to get back on track.
The one factor that distinguishes raspberry ketones from any other weight loss supplement that you will find in the market is that it has no side effects but is amazingly effectual. There are certainly a number of great weight loss products out there that can equally produce good results but most if not all of them are attached to serious side effects to your health which makes going for them to beat logic for you'll be solving one problem and replacing it with another. However raspberry ketones are 100% natural as no chemicals are used in their production. This is the secret behind the side-effects free benefit of this powerful weight loss supplement. Considering that it is also quite affordable, raspberry ketones diet is simply worth every penny.
In addition you can get more facts and tips on our blog here If you want to learn more about raspberry ketone diet make sure to research it before jumping to conclusions.
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Wednesday 10 April 2013

Why is water important for weight loss? by Dr. Alan Jenks

People who are on a weight loss program should drink more of water to lose more weight. The water aids in moving the food quicker through the bowel system. One of the main reasons to take more water is to avoid dehydration. During the initial period of weight loss you will be losing weight only due to loss of water. Hence there is chance for dehydration. To avoid this you have to drink plenty of water. If dehydration happens you get tired due to lack of oxygen supply to your muscles, which are caused due to lack of blood volume supply.

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Weight loss occurs due to burning of your fat and calories. This process requires sufficient quantity of water to function efficiently. When you burn calories in your body some toxins are created due to burning. These toxins are efficiently removed by water. Hence there is a need to drink more water during your weight loss. Any weight loss program includes a diet with a lot of fiber content. This fiber content is easily digested in your digestive system only with sufficient quantity of water present in your system. Otherwise it might result in constipation.
During a weight loss program the intake of food is reduced by taking more water along with your food. With this method you feel full sooner and you tend to take less amount of food. The amount of water that you need to drink for being healthy depends on your weight, the activities you do and the environment in which you live.
It is recommended that you take 64 ounces of water daily. Although this is the recommended quantity it might differ from person to person depending on their weight. Another measure of water that is recommended is to take ? ounce of water per pound of body weight. If you eat more fruits in your diet then the need to drink water is reduced. To check whether you drink sufficient quantity of water, the urine you pass should be in pale yellow color. If it is too dark you might need to drink more of water. Taking antibiotics and vitamin supplements may change the color of urine.
More oxygen is found in the blood stream when your body is hydrated well. This is necessary for the fat to be consumed (burnt) for energy. This is essential to lose your body weight. Hence drink sufficient quantity of water to lose weight.
Water simply helps the body detoxify, it moves through the bowel easier, it refreshes you, keeps you re-hydrated and is good for overall health. Wake up in the morning and drink water first. Put some lemon in a large glass of water and drink it before you do anything else. Then challenge yourself to drink lots of water. Work your way up to 2-3 liters a day.

About the Author

Dr. Alan Jenks is the author of "The Doctor Is Thin" Get his free natural weight loss tips and information;postID=9020092181473747201

Friday 5 April 2013

How to Lose Weight and Keep it Off By Christine

How to Lose Weight and Keep it Off

There are a lot of different opinions when it comes to weight loss, but most of the information is based on short term solutions instead of focusing on keeping it off. People gain weight over time but then expect to decide and just go on a crash diet that doesn't successfully result in weight loss as they tend to gain it back if they were able to lose any weight in the first place. The important thing about losing weight and keeping it off is to try different things and keep a long term focus. Everyone is different and response differently to different things, but by focusing on lifestyle changes instead of quick fixes you will find something that works for you. Here are a few of the best tidbits so that you can lose weight and keep it off.

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Always keep your Eyes Open

Understand that we don't have all of the answers in nutrition and weight management at the moment. Learn what you can from the most credible source that you can and don't ever stop learning. As more research is done we will learn new things about health and weight loss and keeping your hand on the pulse will ensure that you are always in the know. Apply the knowledge in a safe way and adapt as necessary.

Don't do Diets

If there is a new crazy diet that everyone is trying, don't do it. These short term fixes usually end up worse than consistent small success. Focus on the fundamentals and you won't fall victim to these sometimes dangerous quick fixes. Learn from reputable sources not late night infomercials or the guy in the break room that is trying to sell you vitamins.

Eat your Vegetables

There is nothing wrong with eating healthy meats but an easy way to balance your diet is to focus on simply eating more vegetables. Eating more vegetables will increase the amount of vitamins and minerals that you consume which are essential to good health. A great practice to get in the habit is to eat vegetables before eating any junk food. This will increase your fullness and help you to eat less junk.

Get up and shake it

People underestimate the power of exercise in their overall health. Exercising does not have to be a choir and doesn't even need to be that long. Exercising just 30 minutes a day at a moderate pace will give you all of the benefits without making you too tired to function. If you can't make it to the gym or to another activity that you enjoy simply walk around. Exercise will help lower stress and regulate metabolism to lose weight and keep it off.

Losing weight to keep it off is more about focus than effort. Making sure that you have consistent action and results in a positive direction will ensure that you reach your goals and maintain the weight loss. Achieving a goal over a long period of time reinforces the habits that got you there and increase your likelihood of maintaining this new healthy weight.

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Tuesday 2 April 2013

3 Biggest Advantages of Womens Gyms

3 Biggest Advantages of Womens Gyms

There are lots of great fitness centers and gyms operating these days, and many of them try to cater to just about everyone who might be looking for a place to get in shape and participate in an effective workout. While a general fitness center might be good for most people, some women enjoy specialization and prefer to workout at women's gyms. Gyms that focus on serving only women usually offer some unique benefits over a general facility that caters to both sexes. So let's take a look at those advantages:

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Advantage #1: Women's gyms allow females to exercise without the fear of being oogled or approached by men during their workout. Let's face it, there are no doubt a lot of people who believe that today's gyms function as modern-day singles bars, when in fact most people -- especially women -- go to their fitness center of choice in order to help themselves get in shape. They aren't there looking for a date, so women's gyms provide female patrons the opportunity to workout and to feel comfortable at the same time. When a woman is exercising, particularly if she's not looking her best because of the effort she's putting in, she probably doesn't want to worry about being hit on by a stranger.

Advantage #2: Practically all women's gyms offer programs that are tailored specifically to women. That means that a woman who enrolls in a females-only fitness center should expect to find that there are classes and programs designed for the unique specifics of a female's body. We all know that men and women are different in lots of ways, and those differences include our bodies and how they work and develop. Women's gyms give females the opportunity to work on their bodies under the guidance of instructors and trainers who are focused on the special needs of a woman. That's a major benefit to the body-conscious lady.

Advantage #3: It seems that generally speaking, women's gyms are smaller and more intimate. Co-ed fitness centers (like those well-known major mega gyms) can be huge and, at times, overwhelming. A smaller and less intimidating gym can make it easier for someone to focus on their conditioning without feeling lost. Women's gyms quite often strive to provide a sense of intimacy and pride themselves of being compact and effective, with a minimum of hype and a premium on providing a quality workout experience without making their patrons feel overwhelmed.

If you're a woman and you're looking specifically for a fitness center that caters to women only, you're probably in luck. There are a number of terrific women's gyms operating with a focus on female fitness these days, and practically every community of any size has several top-notch facilities for women to choose from. In the end, the advantages of a center that is designed for females make them a comfortable and safe environment for women looking for an effective workout.
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