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Income Blueprint Workshop

Saturday 6 October 2012

Healthy Over Fifty! By Lisa B Barker

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Being healthy has been a concern for most of my adult life. Staying positive, eating right and exercising have become a lifestyle for me. However, as I am approaching fifty I am working harder on all three of these areas. This is no surprise, for as we age our bodies go through changes especially at fifty and above. These changes do not have to be negative. We can make the right choices now to combat these negative feelings as we get older. Just go with the flow and listen to your body. I have heard all of my life "after fifty, it is all down hill". Do not believe that statement, I want a different lifestyle, one with health, happiness and in the process help others along the way. I want to prove to not only myself but for every person pushing fifty or over, that we can look and feel our best. The pros far outweigh the cons of getting older.
There are three areas I work on most everyday to keep myself happy and healthy. The first is staying positive, the second is exercising and the third is keeping my weight down by eating right.
No matter the situation, there is always something is life that we can be happy about.
Being around positive people is very important for our health, but sometimes we either work with or married to the negative person. Live your life in a way that others want to emulate, even co-workers or spouses. A lot depends on our attitude.. No matter what your situation, you are responsible for you and do your best to find something to be happy about. I truly believe what the Bible says in Proverbs 18:21~Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.
The second is to exercise. I work-out five times a week on a Nordic Trak Walkfit, this gives a great workout and three of those days I do strength training. As we age, we lose muscle mass, so doing some from of weight training is vital to your health. However, it really does not matter what form of exercise you do as long as you get your body moving. Just walking for thirty minutes a day will improve your health. Do not say "you have no time" this is something you need to do for yourself, make the time. If that means getting up earlier, then do it. You will feel better, look better and you will be nicer to your family and that is always a good thing. It may also cause you to be with your family for a longer time.
The third is to eat correctly. I am not a fanatic or some guru saying you need to exercise everyday and eat all organic fruits and vegetables. While exercising is important as I have already stated, eating right is just as important but we have to be realistic. Not everyone is exposed to fresh fruits and vegetables year around, and others can not find organic foods in their area. Although they are becoming more prevalent, even in rural areas. Sometimes the expense is just not worth it for growing families, because eating healthy can be more expensive. I have learned, a product may be great and works well, if it does not taste good I am not going to take it. Even thought I am at the weight I want to be, I still need some type of help in maintaining my weight as I approach fifty and I am doing my best to find products that do just that.
As we age we tend to live a more sedentary lifestyle and with just adding an extra five pounds a year, in five years that is an extra twenty-five pounds. This can be more if we are not active. Being over weight can cause high blood pressure, diabetes and even strokes. Be wise in what you eat and how you take care of yourself. The key to all three of these is balance, God has given each of us an amazing machine, our bodies. It is up to us to see to it that we keep our machines working in proper order.

Yoga For Natural Weight Loss By R. Sharma

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Yoga is a light form of exercise that helps improve the overall flexibility and functioning of the internal organs. We often have seen a trend with people on a weight loss plan that prefer doing Yoga than any other form of exercise.
Yoga is fit for beginners that want to start losing weight but are not motivated enough to start running or lifting weights. Yoga helps increase the flexibility in the body gradually motivating you to start more active form of physical activity. So if you looking to seriously lose weight you need to watch what you eat and add a more strenuous physical activity routine to your Yoga sessions.
Since regular Yoga was not enough to give the quick results you were looking for over the years some forms of Yoga like Power Yoga, Flow Yoga have become extremely popular for weight loss.
There are many schools of Yoga that have similar benefits as Power Yoga and have in fact helped people manage heart diseases, asthma and other lifestyle diseases. To know what style is most conducive to your lifestyle here are few schools listed out for your information.
Hot Yoga: Hot Yoga is doing Yoga poses in a heated room of approximately 95 to 100 Fahrenheit which makes you sweat in loads in one session making your body more flexible. The session increases the body temperature making the body burn more calories to bring the temperature back to normal and the set of Yoga poses incorporated in it further help in burning calories by toning the muscles and through stretching. It is also called Bikram Yoga by some people.
Ashtanga Yoga: This style of Yoga pose is vigorous and more intense as the normal Yoga. It is a series of Yoga poses done actively in a short period of time. It covers from sun salutations, to standing poses, sitting poses, back bends and front bends to improve flexibility, stamina, energy, detoxifies the body and builds strength. This style of Yoga makes you very active in your day to day life providing motivation for weight loss.
Power Yoga: It is a high intensity form of doing Yoga poses vigorously. The session of power Yoga lasts for 90 minutes and works on the entire body increasing the heart rate. Power Yoga poses is followed by strength training. Power Yoga is dynamic, fast paced and helps you burn calories and fat. The poses and the schedule for a session may vary from teacher to teacher. It gives the body strength, elasticity and concentration along with faster metabolism.
Yoga is simple and effective to get started to being fit. To experience effective results through yoga for weight loss, monitor your junk food intake and manage meal timings. Sign up for a healthy diet plan to compliment your Yoga routine.
I write about weight loss diet and fitness. My aim is to provide correct and reliable information about weight loss methods to help people achieve quick and effective results.

Food to Consume To Lower Cholesterol. by Withun

Food to Consume To Lower Cholesterol.   by Withun
There is a saying that goes. "We are what we eat." This is so true as the food being consumed may affect the cholesterol levels inside the person's system. This makes this makes the person prone to high blood pressure or heart disease through age, which could leave the patient, paralyzed or dead.
The only thing to do before it is too late is to make some changes in the individual's diet. While many of the good stuff that people love to eat have high concentrations of LDL better known as bad cholesterol, this can all change by consuming those that have HDL or good cholesterol. Here are a few examples.
A good way to start a healthy diet is to have a breakfast. Instead of eating bread, the individual can consume oatmeal instead. Studies have shown this can lower the cholesterol in the body by more than 20% after just two weeks of use. This figure can go down some more if this becomes a habit before going to work.
It is tough to just have oatmeal in the morning. Sometimes, the individual can have a fruit. An example could be an apple.
Studies have shown that people who eat at least 2 full apples a day or drink 12 ounces of apple juice are able to reduce the chances of heart diseases by 50%. This can be purchased at the supermarket and eaten during anytime of the day such as dessert after a light meal or as a snack.
Food to Consume To Lower Cholesterol.   by Withun

During lunch or dinner, the person must have some vegetables in the meal. Those who order can have fish or poultry instead of eating red meat. Such dishes are not high in saturated fats, which are healthier.
Those who love to cook at home can try mixing some healthy things ingredients in the meal. One example is garlic that has natural properties that can declog the arteries and again lower the odds of succumbing to heart disease.
Having a can of pork and beans is also good for the diet. This is because it contains soluble fibers that can combat the bad cholesterol in the person's body. There are not that many people who will do this but those who are able to eat even a half an onion daily will be able to increase the HDL and lower the LDL.
People are often told that fats are not good for the diet. This isn't entirely true because this comes in many forms. There are fats that are healthy such as unsaturated ones and omega 3 fatty acids.
Monosaturated and Polysaturated ones are also effective since these are usually found in cooking oils. This means food preparation also plays a big factor in reducing lowering one's cholesterol levels.
The individual should read the label at the supermarket and read the ingredients to find out if this is healthy for cooking.
Beling a bit overweight or noticing a lot of bulges in the body is one way of knowing that the person is potentially at risk for succumbing to disease to high levels of cholesterol in the system.
If the individual is unable to make a proper dietary plan, a specialist can help make one so all the person has to do is follow it.