Beginners Blueprint

Income Blueprint Workshop

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Weight Loss for Better Health

Weight Loss for Better Health

Most people understand that exercising and eating properly are needed to obtain weight loss for better health or improved fitness, but don't have a good idea of what proper nutrition or the minimum exercise requirements. There are very simple approaches that you can use to do your daily exercise and to eat a healthier and balanced diet but you have to understand a few key concepts first. Using these concepts will allow you to have a better understanding of the risks and rewards of exercising and eating properly and hopefully you will be so inclined to work at improving your weight loss for better health or weight maintenance for increased longevity.

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Exercise for Weight Loss
“To climb steep hills requires slow pace at first.” - William Shakespeare

Exercise has been found to be the most beneficial single aspect that you can add to improve a person's health. There are countless studies that have been completed and continue to be done linking regular exercise with reduced stress, reduced incidence of illness and disease, better mood, more productive, and increases in quality of life. People often, after learning about all of the benefits, get put-off by the idea of strenuous activity as it seems too hard or too big of a change. The greatest aspect of the research is that the exercise doesn't have to be really intense and even moderate exercise that is consistent has been shown to provide the similar weight loss for health that is desired.

The recommendation is 30 minutes for adults and 60 minutes for children a day of moderate to intense daily exercise. Some of the examples are brisk walking, swimming, cardio classes, and generally anything that gets your heart rate up for that 30 or 60 minutes. The best exercise out of anything is the one that you will consistently perform over time. The best results come from consistent exercise and the intensity only has to be moderate. Finding some form of exercise that you enjoy doing is the best bet and with so many options from home video fitness classes, to classes at a gym, and even running around with a dog at the dog park. Find something that works and then work it.

There are a few exercise types and workouts that can give you a highly efficient workout that will give you comparable results in less time. Although these exercises are really intense the duration is much shorter and some research has shown that they provide comparable results concerning weight loss for better health. Some of the training styles are referred to as high intensity interval training (HIIT) or CrossFit classes. Basically the concept is to go as hard as you possibly can for 30 seconds and then take 10-15 seconds at a low intensity, repeating the cycle for 10-20 minutes. Using this method you can effectively hit your weight loss for better health goals in less time and feel great in the process.

Human beings are social in nature and a great way to combine the social aspect with the exercise requirement is to create or join a workout group. This will provide the fun, support, and external motivation that will allow you to enjoy and maintain your physical activity for longer and hopefully develop a lifelong appreciation of exercise. Losing weight takes sweat and time to accomplish and some social support can make this journey more enjoyable.

Nutrition for Weight Loss

“Don’t dig your grave with your own knife and fork.”  - English Proverb

Nutrition is usually something that a lot of people are confused about especially regarding the crash diets that people through themselves on for weight loss. Taking the time to understand what everyone should eat and the emotions that play into the act of eating you can understand how to eat and begin to alter what you need.

There have been several recommendations over the years that either stem from health agencies or the latest diet trends that have muddled our knowledge of nutrition because they weren't based on science. A lot of the pushes to have people eat grains and carbohydrates as their main source of calories had to do with ensuring that there was enough food for everyone to consume and building storage of food that could prevent starvation from a natural disaster. The problem is that most grains are nutritionally deficient and can cause weight gain from spikes in the blood sugar. Now that we are out of the dark ages, sort of, it is time that our nutrition knowledge was advanced.

A simple way to look at and transition to optimal nutrition is to first understand what it is and then work on substituting and adding the healthier choices instead of eliminating the foods that we enjoy. The cornerstone to all healthy nutrition is the consumption of as many servings of vegetables as possible, 5 or more per day. Eating a colorful variety will help to naturally balance the nutrition and give you most of the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that you require. Once you have the vegetable consumption on the increase eating lean meats, or beans to provide your body with the protein that is recommended. Adding fruits and nuts and fermented foods will also help to balance all of your nutrient needs. Basically, basing your nutrition on fresh living green plants will give you all of the fuel that your body needs to perform the exercise that will help with your journey of weight loss for better health.

One of the best things that you can do right away to curb your cravings for unhealthy foods is to reduce the amount of sugar that you are consuming. Sugar, especially the refined white sugar causes a spike in blood sugar that can result in fat storage and subsequent weight gain. Paying attention to the amount of sugar that you are drinking on a daily basis could be the easiest way to alter your nutrition to lose weight.

Losing weight for better health starts and ends with what you put in your mouth and how much you move around. There is no healthier way to lose weight and feel great than to exercise for at least 30 minutes a day and eat more vegetables. It will take time to transition if you are having trouble achieving these, but consistent action will prevail over time. Lose weight, feel great, and live the life that you've always imagined.

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