Beginners Blueprint

Income Blueprint Workshop

Wednesday 30 January 2013

How to Lose Weight Sensibly By Cleto Tirabassi

Now isn't this a subject that is beaten to death day after day? Indeed it is. And without any new or recently uncovered facts, can this article possibly add anything new? Not really. What it does propose however, is a refreshing of perspective on weight loss in a world where there is much confusion brought about by so many conflicting principles and products.
Therefore, this article does not intend to flaunt any new diet or weight loss secret - neither to expound any sophisticated, scientific formula or gadget which will provide swift results. The aim is to set straight some basic and commonsense facts about losing weight, and how to go about doing it sensibly.
But what about all the so-called weight loss secrets?
In truth, there are none which really hold water. Many individuals will want uninformed or naive would-be dieters, or people wanting to reduce weight, to believe that pounds can be shed in a snap by following their quick-fix programs, or by buying their books or gadgets.
Any individual promoting a weight loss plan or product which is claimed to deliver fast results should be approached with caution and prudence, as one's health may be at risk. If you are not experienced in physical exercise, or in following a restricted eating plan, be especially aware. Invest in the guidance or advice of a medical practitioner and that of a fitness trainer, certified by a recognized body or institute.
And what about those elaborate or high-tech proposals with captivating statements and guarantees?
Maintaining or losing weight, although not advisable in a short space of time, are far simpler than we care to realize. However, as mentioned, there are no short-cuts, miracle pills or treatments for effective or permanent weight loss.
So why is it then that we consciously overlook the basics of weight management in favour of products which are clad in fancy or space-aged packaging, or follow scientifically drummed up methods which are obviously overblown?
Well, we probably think losing weight needs to be a complex scientific process because the health and fitness industry is so dominated by the high-tech marketing approach associated with these very products.
Overcomplicated weight management principles too often cause lesser-informed individuals to be misled or coerced into spending unnecessary sums of money. Briefly, weight loss is something which is well within the reach of the average person wishing to decrease his or her mass. This unless of course one is ailing from a medical condition, hormone imbalance or deficiency, metabolic issue, thyroid problem, or other medical condition which renders weight loss a problem, or limits or prevents the participation by a certain individual in a fitness program.
So, with a clearer sensible approach, let's take a look at 5 important components associated with a successful weight loss program:
1. Make a commitment
So we know that successful and permanent weight loss is something far less complex than is made out to be. However, the question of how to lose weight successfully and permanently requires more consistency and commitment than the everyday person is normally willing to invest.
How many people have you heard saying that they were going to lose weight and had already started dieting, only to throw in the towel somewhere down the line? Whimsical attempts at anything in life are often short-lived. The first and most important step in successful weight loss, is to make a firm commitment to yourself that you want to and are going to do "it." Far too many people "dabble" with an exercise or transformation program, only to go wayward and then give it up. This usually happens because something taken half-seriously can be given up more easily.
Be open to your colleagues, friends and family about your "contract" with yourself. You will find their interest and encouragement valuable sources of motivation.
2. Have a realistic goal
Determine a realistic amount of weight to lose and a reasonable timeframe within which to do it. The start and end-dates must be firm and are to be strictly adhered to once fixed. Again, if physical fitness programs are new to you, or if you've never really followed one before, get assistance with this step. It is critical to have a "doable" goal which you can realistically achieve, given your own particular physical condition. For example, it would be essential for an overweight middle-aged male, who has never previously engaged in any sport or physical exercise, to have a carefully planned target weight and timeframe as part of his program.
And one should not forget that a medical check up is cardinal before commencing any type of fitness program. Remember also to work with your individual body (or somato ) type and physical condition when setting your goals.
3. Create the right balance
Earlier on I spoke about science. Weight loss has been turned into an unnecessarily complex activity, when in fact it requires little more than creating a negative calorie balance. This means simply that for weight loss to occur, one needs to burn more calories than those being ingested. This can be done by regulating the intake of food, or by boosting levels of physical activity. The best way of course is to do both simultaneously.
A word of caution here - many individuals believe that by exercising, they have permission to continue eating whatever - or worse, that they have the leeway to consume more. Do not get carried away. On the other hand, it does not mean sacrificing "enjoyable living." A healthy eating plan complemented by regular exercise will do wonders for steady, long-term weight loss, and make provision for some occasional cheating or eating out without unduly affecting one's overall fitness goals.
4. Turn your body into a more efficient fat-burning machine
If you thought healthy eating and a workout program where the only means to burn fat and keep it off, then there's good news for you.
There are several excellent by-products derived from proper nutrition and regular exercise. Besides the inherent health benefit potential, the knock-on effects of proper nutrition and regular exercise will enable one to accelerate and optimize weight loss simply by virtue of the cardiovascular and metabolic changes in the body. Regular exercise conditions and strengthens the heart and lungs. The efficiency gained from this contributes towards total physical fitness.
The body fat and muscle ratio is also positively influenced, which in turn naturally boosts the metabolism, leading to higher calorie expenditure even when not exercising.
5. Inform yourself about the nutrition plan to support a weight loss program
Knowing which meals to eat, in what proportion, and when to eat them, are the cornerstones of an effective eating plan.
In an overall sense, one needs to eat according to a ratio of approximately 3-2-1, where carbohydrates, proteins and healthy fats are concerned. Naturally, the topic of healthy nutrition is a massive subject and cannot be adequately addressed here. This is why anyone interested in being successful with losing weight, should make it their business to know how to approach their respective eating plan. Also worthy to consider are the significant differences in structure, quality and calorie content of foods. For example, not all carbs or fats are created equal. Some will be perfectly permissible in conjunction with a healthy nutrition plan while others may be simply unhealthy.
Knowing how to work with the individual differences of foods will have a profound effect on the outcome of any weight management program.
Many best-sellers or new up-and-coming celebrities punt the latest and greatest in weight loss plans and gimmicks, and people seem to continue falling for these "latest crazes." It's fairly easy to see why. We are totally spoilt for choice, as each year brings tons more "latest" and "greatest" books, videos and gadgets.
Be that as it may, remember that there are no secrets or shortcuts to healthy, sensible and permanent weight loss or shaping-up. The only way is via a commonsense and disciplined effort to consistently follow a workout program through to completion along with an eating plan that hinges on two major components: calories ingested versus lifestyle and physical activity.
Also, keep in mind that diets do not offer permanent solutions. Once an individual has reached his or her intended target weight and returns to prior habits, he or she will gain the weight back. Remember that short-term weight loss is easily reversible. The best and most sensible way is to adopt physical activity and healthy eating as a permanent way-of-life, thereby maintaining a desired condition for good. Once you are following a program, you will easily see what works best for you and how to make adjustments.
Health and Fitness is without doubt one of the most abused industries around the globe, and we should be wary of quick-fix solutions - even if our hard-earned money is promised back.
By being knowledgeable about weight loss, you can responsibly choose feasible outcomes within realistic timeframes.
Best of luck!
Cleto Tirabassi is a certified Fitness Trainer with the International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA).
His work centers on the "sensible approach" to Health-Related Fitness, which entails the use of practical, flexible and sustainable methods to achieve optimal levels of health and physical fitness.
His clientele belongs mostly to the group he calls "average everyday people", who in short want to be in excellent shape, yet still lead a conventional life.
Based in Rome, Italy - he is dedicated to guiding the individuals he works with to realize their health and fitness goals. He also understands that the health and fitness industry is constantly evolving and therefore maintains a close watch on trends in his field of expertise.
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