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Saturday, 5 October 2013

Can Hypnosis Boost Your Exercise Motivation? By Jois Nigrisoli

Engaging in regular exercise is truly not an option.
Medical science has collected over the years numerous data showing a clear correlation between being inactive and certain life-threatening diseases. The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that two million deaths a year are directly linked to a lack of regular exercise.
A study by the University of Hong Kong and the Department of Health showed that twenty percent of all deaths in persons aged 35 or older is caused by inactivity. This is more than the number of deaths caused by smoking.
As you can see, engaging in regular physical activity is very important to your continuing good health, but in addition to the benefits that regular physical activity affords to health, exercise is also a must if you care about the wellness of your whole being.
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Without regular exercise, for instance, there is a high chance that you will increase your weight because you aren't expending as many calories as you need to. Hence this is another reason why exercising must be part of your lifestyle.
Being inactive is not taking care of yourself.
Unfortunately, one feels quite often a lack of the necessary drive to follow a regular exercise plan that would promote one's well being. You know you should be doing it, you know you would feel better afterwards, you know that within a few weeks of steady exercise that rounded belly would disappear... but you don't get up from the sofa.
It is necessary to find some means to increase your motivation.
Most experts agree on the fact that motivation is mainly a psychological phenomenon. What usually plays the trick on us is that our conscious mind knows that exercise is good for us but our subconscious mind is thinking very differently. That's why Hypnosis has recently been proposed as one of the easiest methods to motivate people to exercise.

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How does it happen?
To understand how Hypnosis works, first of all it is essential to understand the difference between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation.
Extrinsic motivation occurs when there are external forces compelling someone to do something. It is quite short-lived and extremely ineffective as a long term exercise motivator precisely because of the tendency to dissolve quickly.
Intrinsic motivation occurs in the presence of an internal force. A person is compelled to do something because he or she desires to, and finds pleasure in carrying out such an action. Intrinsic motivation is essentially more powerful than extrinsic motivation: coming from the person's inner self, it may last just as long as it's needed.
It is therefore clear that, to increase your exercise aptitude, a seriously useful motivation would be intrinsic, and Hypnosis can be a valid instrument to reach and awaken the internal force that would boost your exercise motivation.
Now, let's recall briefly what Hypnosis is. It is a trance state, also known as altered state of consciousness, not unlike any other trance state you can experience on a daily basis. In fact, all of us are in and out of trance states every day. Daydreaming is a light trance state. A deeper trance state occurs right before sleep, when one is very relaxed.
Hypnosis is a safe, proven technique that has been used for thousands of years, and one that allows us to connect directly to our deeper being, delivering the messages that we need to send to ourselves.
Unfortunately, not all of us have the time or the resources to visit a Hypnotherapist on a regular basis, which may be why a certain amount of popularity has been lately gained by Self Hypnosis.
For some time now, professional therapists have been producing CDs that can be played safely at home. Generally, Self Hypnosis CDs contain a soothing music that relaxes the listener and allows his or her mind to reach a subconscious state. Then the therapist's voice will propose the desired suggestions, which are consequently fed in the subconscious mind of the listener.

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If you wish Self Hypnosis to work more effectively for you, you must listen to your CD in a quiet and peaceful place. If your mind is filled with noises and confusion, it can become difficult for you to listen and believe in the subliminal messages. The more relaxed you are, the more alert your subconscious mind will be and the more it will accept the communicated messages.
Regular exercise is not really an option, it's a necessity. I investigate how to become motivated enough to abandon lazyness and I wish to share my findings with others. It just might help them.
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